VA still pushing covid death shots and boosters.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Lex Weiser

Wow. Let It Rain!!

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Lex Weiser

"Well worth reading in its entirety, the article (at least for now) is outside the WSJ paywall, so it can be read and shared freely..."

You should submit any such links to https://www.archive.is and https://www.archive.org

And also take your own screenshots.

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hahahahhaahhahahahaha. loving this

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Yes, BUT, the article firmly infers the existence of a "virus" which is not only pathogenic & infectious, but which spreads "variants". Four lies, any of which leave the door open for each new "pandemic" that Those Who Stand To Profit want to stomp down our throats (and use to curtail any shreds of liberty we have left--"we" being those who managed to survive Their senseless lockdown & toxic injections--and it'll probably a few more YEARS before we even know how many ppl survived the toxic jabs.) Not much of a victory, IMHO.

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The boosterized are 260% to 340% more likely to get a Covid test when they get a cold.

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This appears to be limited hangout and controlled opposition. Vaccines do not and never have "induced antibodies". There can be no "variants" since there never was an original actual virus named SARS-CoV-2. We can see the limited hangout as the article perpetuates the myth of variants, ascribing the sickness among vaxxed victims to them, when it is in fact the vax itself which causes symptoms and death. In my view, this is another cover story, revealing only a slightly deeper level of truth while obscuring much else and perpetuating the original myth of a virus with tales of "variants."

Excellent overview of the viral myth:


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