Thanks for this revelation. This should give pause to those wanting convenience (tracking) devices under their skin. “You’re not the customer, you’re the product.”
It's also a way to control you if you are using digital currency. THAT would be the total end of freedom. No jab? No groceries for you, Grandma! Vote Republican? Not allowed out of the house! The possibilities for tyrannical control are endless. Google holds a patent linking body activity to currency.
Well said. What really puts me back on my heels is the fact that they're openly bragging about this. It's not like some whistleblower spilled the beans, the firm is putting this out there in the hopes that they'll be hired to do more of it in other political races. What would be interesting is if liberty candidates were to take advantage of this technology. In theory, these firms are completely mercenary, and they can't really discriminate between clients.
This firm is still relatively new and small. If Arizona is their biggest showcase, I would think they're definitely trying to promote themselves to larger clients. Keep in mind that both parties are run by geriatrics who don't really grasp the power of this technology.
Thanks for this revelation. This should give pause to those wanting convenience (tracking) devices under their skin. “You’re not the customer, you’re the product.”
It's also a way to control you if you are using digital currency. THAT would be the total end of freedom. No jab? No groceries for you, Grandma! Vote Republican? Not allowed out of the house! The possibilities for tyrannical control are endless. Google holds a patent linking body activity to currency.
Microsoft does as well. And note the patent number, ---060606! You can't make this stuff up.
You really can't. It's almost as though they DELIBERATELY make this crap so absurdly nightmarish that people won't believe it's real.
Same one - here's Google:
Well said. What really puts me back on my heels is the fact that they're openly bragging about this. It's not like some whistleblower spilled the beans, the firm is putting this out there in the hopes that they'll be hired to do more of it in other political races. What would be interesting is if liberty candidates were to take advantage of this technology. In theory, these firms are completely mercenary, and they can't really discriminate between clients.
This firm is still relatively new and small. If Arizona is their biggest showcase, I would think they're definitely trying to promote themselves to larger clients. Keep in mind that both parties are run by geriatrics who don't really grasp the power of this technology.