And there are probably a couple very, very rich men who are saints.
Raoul Wallenberg, bankers family, went into Budapest with great sums of $. He saved 100k Jews in unbelievable exploits. You really think you are reading fiction.
Btw, threatened a Nazi General with post war hanging if he didn't call off killing of all Jews in a ghetto. IT WORKED.. 73k Jews saved
Sadly he was taken prisoner by Russians when they entered city. Abandoned by 6 countries that really owed him. Vile.
the Warsaw Ghetto and other all-Jewish neighborhoods were harboring Jewish Communists and sabateurs and members of Jewish organized crime units. They had been preparing for more than a year to resist displacement as the Germans staged their military operations in these cities in their battle with the Communist USSR (#2 leader, Lazar Kaganovich, Jewish). Jewish brigades in these cities were partly supplied by the Soviets as proxy warriors against the Germans.
So the Germans fought an urban war against those Jews who refused to relocate, but instead dug into underground bunkers and compounds and fought a guerilla urban war with surprisingly good weaponry and tactics. Finally the Germans resorted to burning down whole city blocks to smoke the Jewish soldiers out and imprison those who were not killed in the fighting.
Stories of German mass slaughters of innocent non-combattant Jews is Jewish oligarch war propaganda.
They say history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. Doesn't any of what you're saying remind you of what we experienced for ourselves over the last 3 years? The Jews were communist insurgents in exactly the same way that Canadian truckers and Trump voters are neo-Nazis.
The Third Reich was an oppressive, authoritarian, genocidal regime, and their legacy is being carried on by the WEF and other transnational technocratic entities. The only difference is that they label their enemies as Nazis now instead of communists, because they themselves are Communists.
But it's the same exact playbook. Accuse your undesirables ("deplorables") as being whatever it is the general public is afraid of, and then strip them of their human rights, property and lives.
Here's the thing, Karl ... You and I can argue all day about whether the Jews at the CDC and WEF are puppet-masters or puppets, but that doesn't help us defend ourselves against them. Today, the undesirable class is not identified by race or religion. They are identified by their opposition to the transhumanist, deathvaxx agenda. They want to kill you, not because you support a revisionist view of the Reich, but because you oppose them (or, more accurately, because you're of no use to them). They want to kill me, not because I think Israel should have expelled all its Arabs in 1947, but because to them, I'm just like you.
The real question is this: how can we put aside our arguments about the past, and fight together so that we have some kind of future?
As always, there's much to say here, but I will focus on trying to answer your question: "how can we put aside our arguments about the past, and fight together so that we have some kind of future?" Of course this is the essential question.
Coalitions are formed of sub-groups. On both sides. Sometimes one sub-group in one coalition agrees to fight against one certain sub-group in another coalition. A good example was Operation Barbarossa, where the Romanian and Hungarian divisions joined under German general von Rundstedt to strike into the Ukraine toward Kiev and secure the food supplies there. Meanwhile, the Italians joined the Germans in the center column toward Moscow. Another example was the Spanish Civil War. The Army of Africa (black muslims from Morocco) joined the Spanish Nationalists and fought against select contingents of the Communist/Anarchist coalition, while General Franco and other Nationalists, including Falangists, Carlists, Monarchists and others, fought other contingents of the Communists/Anarchists elsewhere.
I think you understand what this means. If you can agree that me and my sub-group in our coalition will focus on the Jewish contingent among the enemy coalition, then I can agree that you and your sub-group will focus on the non-Jewish contingent among the enemy coalition.
This may mean each of has to commit to at least one change each: You will have to release your fears that identifying Jews as our enemies will bring any kind of unwanted attention against you as a Jew yourself, and I will have to release my concern that we will be dividing our forces and redirecting some of them against a contingent of the enemy that is not nearly as great a threat.
Is this at least the start of a sufficient answer for you? What would you add?
Karl, that is an intriguing idea, and an interesting history lesson. I readily admit that I had not considered this strategy, and I think it is highly complementary to the "leaderless resistance" paradigm that I wrote about separately.
If I understand what you're saying, the advantage of this approach (hypothetically, of course) is that each opposition faction can focus on the enemy contingent that they see as the greatest threat.
There are ample risks, of course, in both the short and long term. Speaking hypothetically, in the short term, a faction might identify a target that another faction might disagree with, or use tactics that another faction might find objectionable. In the long term, the factions - after being victorious against a common enemy - might turn on each other (think post-WWII USSR and USA).
Nonetheless, given the risks of doing nothing, I think this is an idea I can get behind. What do you think of this as a component of leaderless resistance?
I am not sure about leaderless resistance. It sounds like anarchism, and that was a disaster for the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. I favor strong, clear and even brilliant leadership, such as Erwin Rommel, Hans Guderian (both tank commanders) and Admiral Horthy for a time in the Russian Revolution against the Bolshevik Jews. Hitler, Mussolini and Franco can also be put into this category of strong, clear, brilliant military leaders. Hitler's main disputes with his generals in Barbarossa was because Hitler knew they needed resources and supplies as much as military targets, and the German generals did not understand this.
Perhaps I don't understand your concept of leaderless resistance, and need to learn more. I was in a few street protests opposite Antifa/BLM, and our side (I might call us 2A Patriots) were completely leaderless and disorganized, while Antifa/BLM coordinated together, responded as a whole to new developments, had an overall strategy, and had clear leaders who were obviously paid and trained as such, probably by the Jew Soros. We on the other hand had no clear leaders and failed to respond, had no overall strategy or goal, and even seemed to have an aversion to organizing of any kind. We had no funding, no training, and no coordination among ourselves. If this had been an actual street fight, we would have lost though we had physically larger personnel (and guns, which changes everything of course). We did not even have a coordinated policy on the use or display of guns. It was embarrassing.
I must say, I think leadership is essential. We really don't have any to speak of, and I think that is something the Oligarch Overlords ensure. Any actual leader of resistance against them is either marginalized, converted through bribe and threat, or assassinated. As someone here mentioned, 15 attempts were made against Hitler's life, some of them by his own military staff, because he was the greatest of these leaders against the NWO Oligarch Overlords. Our prospects for resistance are much diminished without highly proficient, experienced leadership.
The WEF conducts its Young Global Leaders program to train and place leaders around the world (they are puppets and frontmen, but nevertheless they are considered "leaders"). The evil Jew Oligarch child-raping psychopath Leslie Wexner funds a similar "leadership" program for Israel's future "leaders".
I believe we need the strongest and wisest of leaders. I would joyfully follow one if I thought he was genuine. Many were overjoyed with Trump as a leader to MAGA, but he was another puppet and frontman for Jewish Power. This is provable. Trump was MIGA--Make Israel Greater Again.
The natural thrust toward leadership has been degraded in white men. I have seem many Alpha White males fail to lead in situations where they were needed. They have been indoctrinated to be hesitant, permissive, fail of righteous intolerance, weak, anxious and indecisive. I do have hope that the extremity of our dilemma will help some such men to break out of their hypnotic trance, and claim their leadership power. This is the most powerful of all archetypes, the Return of the King (both in the realm of the nation and inside the individual psyche), and I feel its power is rising.
What more can you tell me about leaderless resistance? Perhaps it is good to avoid identifying a leader the Oligarchs can neutralize.
Budapest and all of Hungary was overtaken by Communist revolution that lasted for 6 months in 1919. Bela Kuhn became the Communist dictator, and managed to slaughter 10s of 1000s of Christian Hungarians (Magyars) before he was deposed and escaped back to the USSR.
Bela Kuhn was Jewish. Many of his main hatchet men were also Jewish, just as the CHEKA was in the USSR.
Hungary was formally an ally of National Socialist Germany in WW2, and fielded a number of divisions under their own officers and with their own equipment and arms in Operation Barbarossa, the pre-emptive strike into the USSR by German, Hungarian, Romanian, Italian and the mixed-European army known as the Waffen SS, which commenced on the pre-dawn morning of June 22, 1941. Stalin and the Soviets had amassed many enormous armies in 2 strategic echelons, poised to invade Germany and sweep through the rest of Europe to seize Communist control. Hitler and the coalition forces with Germany struck first and surprised the Soviet armies, which were prepared only for offensive warfare. Operation Barbarossa failed later for a number of reasons: US re-supplied the Soviets through the Lend/Lease Act (passed by Jews Henry Morgenthau Jr of the Treasury Dept. and Harry Dexter White (Weiss), also Jewish), internal sabotage by German aristocrats in the military who resented Hitler's meritocracy, and difficulties with supply lines in the bitter winter of 1941-2. But Operation Barbarossa delayed the Soviet take-over of Eastern Europe by at least a year, and prevent the full conquering of all of Europe.
Lex, I think most Jewish are hard working, kind, love their families.
I have seen much ugly anti semitism. I'm a traditional Catholic* and have seen it there. A small group of Jews as well as other groups (protestants, modernists, Freemasons, communists etc)did pull off hijacking of institutions of Catholic Church 1958 and years following, but this was a very small minority.
It is absolutely against natural law to judge one person based on skin, race, religion etc.
I will reply with a great film , free, on great woman who fought Hitler
* this is redundant. But using it as some believe their are other kinds of Catholics.
There were at least 15 Plots against Hitler's life, from early on.
The military ones... Very hard to plan, because you would have to take out much of high command. Logistics.. Your people could get transferred, and explosives much more tightly controlled
I could tell you stupefing stories about Resistance and trying to save Jewish people.
The Italian Raoul Wallenberg was arguing fiercely with apostate Nazi on the street. Afterwards, Raoul said to IRW, you know who that was?
On WEF .... There is a fierce, fierce war on many fronts.
National Socialism was good. the US fought the wrong enemy.
Yes, so are Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. (real name Michael, and not a doctor since his dissertation was plagiarized). Yet they were both violent Communists, Michael moreso an agent of Communists than one himself. King's handler and speech writer and organizer was Stanley Levison, Jewish, asset of the Communist Party.
Nazis were very evil. The state is not God. They killed innocent people... Jews, handicapped, intellectuals... Anyone who disagreed with them too much.
Communism, evil twin sister.
The State is not God. WEF, nations have been taken over by their sick ideas.
Vatican 1 and the Catholics generally supported National Socialist Germany and some bishops declared Hitler a kind of messiah figure, for his opposition to Communism, the great enemy of Catholocism and all religion. The Vatican provided "rat lines" for National Socialist leaders to escape the cruel punishments and executions the Communists and Zionist Banksters had planned for the National Socialists.
Colonel Stauffenberg was a Catholic. He rec'd blessing from his Bishop before he went to Wolf's Lair. The bishop didn't have details but knew something was up.
Hitler when elected had about one third of votes. So I don't believe most of Catholics liked him. Probably a yhird.
And these numbers started going down with atrocities.
Adolf Hitler was never elected. He was appointed to the Chancellor role by President von Hindenburg. Hitler ran for President in 1930, and received significant votes, but did not win. The NSDAP as a party had its most successful vote count that year, 44%. We may think this is not a majority, but there were 37 political parties, who formed coalitions to put forth candidates, making the NSDAP 44% by far the highest vote count of any one party. By 1932 a slight decline in voting for NSDAP showed the party that their window of opportunity might be slipping. So Hitler appealed for the Chancellor role, which is appointed not voted. In a complex political maneuvering (which did not include assassinations, torture or threats, but purely legitimate political processes such as forming coalition with President von Hindenburg's Catholic Centrist party), Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor and took office on January 30,1933. As he stood at the Chancellory window, throngs of German people paraded past his window all night long, saluting and celebrating the new leader who had promised to rescue them from the horrors of the Jewish-dominated Weimar period.
Within 2 years,he had succeeded.
Most of Germany was Catholic or Lutheran, with Hitler baptised and a practicing Catholic until after WWI, when he attended mass only occasionally. Almost all the National Socialst leaders were Catholic with some Lutheran. Himmler attempted for a time to practice a form of Germanic non-Christian religion among the SS (Schutzstaffel or High Command), rooted in regional natural Germanic worship, but this failed to develop. Hitler and the NSDAP were enormously popular with almost the entirety of the German people, many of whom were Catholic.
It is true that the German eugenics and euthanasia programs at the time were disputed by Catholic bishops and other leaders as immoral, and so Hitler ordered the programs discontinued. Eugenics means literally "good breeding", and could be extended to mean the organized application of human breeding to improve the physical, moral and intellectual quality of the population. The US, Britain, France and other nations had similar programs at the time, and eugenics was a valid and admirable pursuit. Only after the war did the Communists demonize the idea and promote their Dysgenics programs. A great book on eugenics at the time is Lothrop Stoddard's Rise of the Underman.
But I don't believe the Catholic dispute with the NSDAP euthanasia program diminished Catholic support for the party and Chancellor, especially since Hitler agreed to suspect the program at the wishes of the Catholic clergy.
I am not aware of any documents or evidence showing Hitler killed priests. Please provide such sources and I will be willing to review. We do know that Stalin (Djugashvili) and the Communists generally killed, tortured and raped many priests and nuns. Hitler was appalled by this and said so, and that is one reason he supported the Churches in Germany with a quasi-official status and government funding and tax relief. Hitler was determined to rebuild the German family structure, and knew the Church was essential in that effort. The People approved. This protection of the Church and vigorous fight against religion-destroying Communism was the main reasons some Catholic clergy celebrated Hitler as a kind of Christian savior and supported him.
At one point there was a count and 3 groups all about a third...
I will let you have last word after I say this... I'm talking gr from substack, to pray more Rosary. I try to tell people about Great Age of Mary, that is coming, and am abject failure
Hitler most certainly knew about holocaust. Pope Pius XII ordered up convents and monasteries opened for Jews. Death penalty offense for those in convents.
I don't have a problem with making common cause with antisemites, but there are a few issues we should discuss with them. For instance, why are Jews the only people in the world that shouldn't have their own state? To me, Zionism is Jewish nationalism. If Americans, Germans, Italians, French, etc. can have their own state, why shouldn't Jews? Zionism isn't a threat to the world, so when these people go on and on about "Zionists" when the word is being used in an inaccurate, bad faith way, they are implicitly supporting genocide.
Also, the essay you posted isn't the worst of that bunch. I'm sure you've seen the other material. Pseudo scholarly essays and videos about how the Synagogue of Satan sacrifices Christian babies and aims to exterminate everyone who isn't Jewish. This is projection, and exactly what they want to do to Jews. I'm all for publishing the views of human garbage like David Icke and others, because they're right about so much, and someone has to do it, but decent people have to force them to debate the Jewish thing, otherwise the punch line of their argument is, get on the train.
Zionist Jews absolutely cannot confine themselves to one nation, even if that area is stolen from the current residents, Palestinians. Zionist Jews must occupy and control to a large extent other nations as well, because Israel cannot survive on its own without parasitizing other nations. The US is the primary host today, but it used to be Britain and France before the 1967 Six Day War. Please research If Americans Knew for the deep knowledge on this issue.
Zionism in its deepest agenda is indeed a threat to the world, and it is currently quite obviously a threat to the Middle East. Israel gives asylum to pedophile networks, bankster criminals, spies damaging to America such as Jonathan Pollard, and every kind of international crook and swindler. Israel steals US tech and military secrets and sells it to America's enemies, such as China. Israel did 9/11, and that can be proven, in order to launch the War on Terror for American to fight Israel's enemies in the Middle East and beyond. Israel leaches blood and treasure from the US to wreak its destruction and pursue its Yinon Plan of expansion throughout the region, seeing Eretz Yishrael, Greater Israel. That must not come to be.
This is close to the core of what has been known historically as "the Jewish Question". Rather than approach it as a question, for which there may be a "final solution to the Jewish Question," it now seems we much approach it as an Issue, for which there may be a Final Resolution. Issues are more complex than questions and require a something much more than a solution: a Resolution.
Jung said: "The significant issues of our lives can never be fully resolved, only outgrown." Psychological growth was near the heart of the Jungian approach.
FWIW, Haemers is a Jewish name, and you seem to have a dark complexion. Are you sure you're Aryan? Maybe personal integration could be the Final Resolution for many self-hating crypto Jews.
No, it can't be! Haemers is a Germanic/Aryan name. It is similar to Hamlet, who was of course a Dane, who were Germanic.
If you have any evidence Haemers is Jewish, please provide and I will consider it.
Where do you see my dark complexion? It is true I have some Sicilian blood (1/4), which does not necessitate tan skin tone, since Sicilians are a wide mix of many sub-races and races and skin tone among Sicilians varies widely. It is true some Jews lived on Sicily, as did Arabs (semites), along with Berbers (white N African tribe), Mediterranean Europeans and of course Nordic Europeans. But it does appear I get my tan skin tone from a Sicilian background.
Half of my ancestry is Germanic/Aryan though through my mother. I heard a few stories at the family gatherings that my grandmother lived in Berlin during the war and was a strong supporter of the NSDAP and Chancellor Hitler, as were most Germans.
I would agree with your thought that integration could be a Final Resolution, if you mean including cross-breeding to diminish the Jewish nature. But I don't think this would apply to "self-hating Jews," since they are already allies, such as Gilad Atzmon for instance. Crypto Jews are indeed an ongoing problem, and attempts at integration (at least culturally and politically, not racially) have only allowed them to operate behind crypto-cover. It is said the House of Saud that rules Saudi Arabia are crypto-Jews descended from the Donmeh (the Hidden, followers of the perverse evil cult leader Jew Jacob Frank).
Besides, the Jewish Power Elite resist integration and promote and practice Jewish Supremacism, breeding among their own for enhanced evil traits, while selectively including certain non-Jew genetics when marriage alliances suit their power goals. Trump's children are good examples.
But I take your point. If some Jews who oppose the JPE can integrate as non-Jews, either through mixed breeding, cultural and social and political alignment or both, then that would be a Final Resolution for them and us. They wouldn't necessarily be Crypto though, but converts in a sense .The best example I know if Benjamin Freedman. Please look up his speech at the Willard Hotel in 1961 for some amazing knowledge.
No, I mean personal integration, as in introspection, leading to people organizing the personality at a higher level that doesn't require a scapegoat. I am totally against forced integration of any ethnic group. I think you mean well and are a more pleasant person to chat with than many others of your political orientation, but unfortunately I think we're a long way off from finding common ground, so I think the best thing is for the Jews to do our own personal integration, and for everyone else to do the same.
"Americans, Germans, Italians, French, etc. have their own state"--like everyone in those countries belongs to the same religion? That's so absurd that I don't know where to start....
Like the other countries I mentioned, Israel has citizens of different religions. Also, there are many other countries that have one official religion, e.g. Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. etc. I wonder why Israel is singled out.
But notice who is refusing to make peace. Some people will post links to a neonazi site on a cat video. Zionists just watch the cat video and don't do hasbara.
Yes, that is part of why I can't go on Twitter. I made some comments on a thread that was equating male circumcision to female genital mutilation, and was getting spammed for literally weeks.
Zionists go insane when they see a National Socialist video. The reaction is like that of a cornered wounded animal. I know, it's "anti-semitic" to compare Zionists to animals. But Extreme Talmudic Fundamentalists believe all other peoples other than Jews are lower level creatures, similar to animals compared to the divine Jewish being. They have a word for the rest of us, the most racist word in any language because it refers to everyone else, not just one racial type: Goyim.
Since you brought it up; could you enlighten some of us out here about the CURRENT antisemites referring to cruel/barbaric, infant/child-torturing/murdering/eating 'Kazakhs out of Russia/Mongolia who allegedly entering into Ukraine to be given the choice of Judaism or Christianity as a condition to stay.
Allegedly, they chose Judaism and were never real Jews, it's been written. This is written about extensively in an Online Presentation called 'Fall of the Cabal' and the Ashkenazi Jewish heritage is of this ancestry/heritage which includes the Rothschilds whom OWN ALL THE CENTRALIZED BANKS AROUND THE WORLD. This Online history outlines the family's migration throughout EU and the Banking Network they built as they accrued extensive wealth, became Financial Advisors to the Monarchies who deemed them aristocracy and WHOM ARE NOW AT THE TOP OF THE HEIRARCHY OF EVIL WE NOW FIGHT along with the EU Aristocracy that's been Totalitarian and Slave Masters to the EU population for over 1000 years.
It's not difficult to discern people to be using this to foment a new hatred and rationalization to hate torment/torture Jewish people and Israel as a nation; to displace the Jewish people from having any homeland. Am finding this disgusting and since you're addressing the new-old growing hatreds...Thought it would be appropriate to question this alternate history never mentioned until recently. Rest assured, it's not a natural disposition towards hatred. It's fact that anger and frustration feeds the darkness in human nature where people often seek GROUPS OF ANY KIND TO VENT, PROJECT/DISPLACE ANGER/RAGE ONTO WHEN THEY FEEL HELPLESS AS MANY HAVE COME TO FEEL. Just want to hear your voice as a Jewish person as it's a certain fact you know the history of the Jewish diaspora of the last 2000 years better than I do.
As for the rest of what you wrote...ABSOLUTELY ON TARGET; although, you and I would not be enemies.
Was asking about the claims of the issues raised in 'Fall of the Cabal' simply because it's almost common to encounter people saying negative comments about Jewish people overall based upon the preliminary info I provided. I was asking what the history of the Jewish diaspora in EU is? Is there any logic or fact of those claims?
It's unsettling to encounter the discrimination/prejudice against Jewish people given the fact of the Rothschilds, Harari and others at this time because they're not the only guilty of evil. Evil has no monopoly among any particular group of people...Lucifer/Satan is an 'Equal Opportunity Abuser' of all humanity.
Education and entrepreneurship have been hallmarks of Jewish culture for millennia. During medieval Europe, Jews weren't allowed to own property or join trade guilds, so they became bankers and merchants. When Thomas Edison barred Jews from working in the film industry he established on the East Coast, they moved to California and started their own. After the Holocaust, Jews took an unwanted patch of desert and made it bloom into the state of Israel.
Every time hatred and bigotry has knocked Jews down, they've found a way to succeed anyway. This disproportionate success (Jews are over-represented in almost every field of endeavor) has driven intense hatred and jealousy.
Yes, there are bad Jews who are "useful idiots" for the Army of Death - people like George Soros and Noah Harari, just as there are bad Christians and bad atheists who serve the same cause. But there are also good Jews, Christians and atheists in the Army of Life as well.
The battles of the past were often framed in terms of religion, but the enemy we face today wants to destroy us all, regardless of race, creed or color. To defend ourselves, we need to build a broad coalition that spans these old group boundaries.
Thank-you for your input. There were both personal and professional reasons for asking as well as overall lack of knowledge contributing to the need for information. Here in the rural Midwest, there are not as many Jewish people to ask such questions. Suspected much of the growing prejudice to have been based upon jealousy and undue hatred both in the older times and now.
Jealousy/Envy are strong evils and when human beings possess them virtually anything is possible and justified with any rationalization. The point is...There is NO group of people having any kind of monopoly upon any particular sin and that is a fact of life on Earth. Never have I believed Jewish people evil or particularly sinful; in fact, it's been quite the opposite since Judaic Traditions/Practice are a part of my Maternal family through my grandfather, though we're Roman Catholic born and raised.
Since adulthood, those of my family have been told about how my family always thought we were "better, special, spoiled". It really was/is based upon the RESPECT OF THE MEN FOR GOD, THEIR WOMEN AND THE CHILDREN. We were all blessed; one to the others. We always kept the sabbath...etc. Gosh, I'm so glad you answered me.
Completely concur with you about the severity and priority of the THREAT TO THE PLANET AND BY WHOM. It is vital for 'The People' of GOOD WILL to JOIN TOGETHER TO FIGHT THIS HORROR we find ourselves in right now.
When people are fat and happy, they couldn't care less about Jews. As soon as the economy turns down, war is happening, and people start looking for somebody to blame, they start pointing the fingers at us.
It's particularly stupid right now, because humanity as a whole is under attack. Anyone who doesn't want to be a bug-eating, brain-chipped slave needs to put aside these bullshit arguments and confront the real threat.
"And though a man might prevail against him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken."
Impossible to improve upon what you wrote...But then again, 'The Bible' generally has the last word and the person speaking it is generally one seeking and living wisdom. 😉
I have a very different understanding than your views expressed here.
Jews never wanted to work in guilds, so usury banking was an obvious affinity. Communist Jews came to the US from eastern Europe and started Hollywood as part of the Communist subversion of US culture and religion. Edison had no power to prevent Jews from working in the film industry, in my understanding. This is well documented in the book An Empire of Their Own.
To say Palestine was "an unwanted patch of desert" sounds of absurd Zionist propaganda. The region was always wanted throughout history, and much of it is naturally verdant. The Israelis did not "make it bloom" either, they relied first on British and French support to build up the nation, while stealing entire villages and towns built by Palestinians. The Kibbutz system was largely a failure, and the Rothschilds also worked to fund Israel's development through the Jewish National Fund and other schemes. Jewish mobsters such as Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel and others provided funds and arms for Zionist terror groups such as Haganah and Irgun and Stern Gang (Lehi). The holocaust myth was used to justify this colonialist land grab, and to frighten regular Jews into moving to the unwanted patch of desert where they would be safe from the next holocaust looming at any moment. Your statement sounds like the Zionist propagandist of Israel Zangwill who introduced the term "A land without people for a people without land." Palestinians have not nearly so clever propaganda.
Jews were knocked down and expelled because their hostility and hatred of other peoples led them to inflict heinous damage on others, including brutal ruinous usury, cultural degradation and Jewish Ritual Murder, the rape, torture and murder by blood-letting of helpless innocent primarily Christian children. Yes, JRM is real, and it continues today through people we can name. In short, Jews earned the hatred of other peoples, who were willing at first to give Jews asylum from their last expulsion, but then grew angry at how atrociously they were repaid for their hospitality to Jews. America today is an excellent example. Success does not drive "intense hatred and jealously" at Jews--that would be like claiming Al Qaida attacked the US out of jealousy. Immoral corrupt business practices, cultural subversion, degrading the Christian religion, destroying the family structure, spreading Communism, perverting the sexuality of youth, lying, using media to accomplish all this, buying off politicians to betray the voting electorate, and of course usury drives intense hatred of Jews.
2 things help create coalitions: a common cause and a common enemy. The common cause is survival of humanity as natural humans and liberty, and the common enemy is the Jewish Power Elite, Zionist Banksters, Extreme Talmudic Fundamentalists, Judeo-Masonic cult, and the Power Jews throughout the current global infrastructure.
Even regular Jews should be able to rally around that.
It's common to encounter people saying negative things about Jewish people overall based on their collective behavior toward other groups. Whether these Jews are "Khazarians" or "Hebrews" or something else is less relevant than the negative perception due to their behavior toward others. The Jewish Power Elite may be promoting the Khazarian theory as another strategy to deflect awareness of their intolerable behavior.
In my current understanding, the DNA evidence does not support the Khazarian theory. Ashkenasi Jews are certainly a mixture of racial types, but emerge as their own distinct race. It seems they do have some genetic referent to the ancient Hebrews. This in no way entitles them to Palestinian land however.
BlazeCloude3 posted this reply to a comment of mine, but I do not see it here now. I will reproduce it from my email notification, and respond:
"Two Uncles, now dead along with their 'double first cousins' were among those entering Concentration Camps in Austria and Poland near the end of WW2. You're INSANE to believe the Holocaust a myth when it was WORSE than could ever be merely reported and mountains of hair, jewelry, gold, teeth, clothing, shoes as well as living skeletons, dead and dying human beings; millions and millions upon millions was all that remained when the Nazis and their Soros-like sympathizers tried to leave. They just couldn't manage it fast enough. Sin is not a monopoly based in the Jewish Tradition/Culture/Religion/Lifestyle as it's found in all its ugliness throughout the world. Evil lives, breaths and grows in the souls of ALL humanity and this will continue until God's timing ends it all. There isn't one ethnicity, culture or religious background not serving in Slavery among any in the world and though the world doesn't know it, we've been slaves to the Establishment since before all of us were born. All the old evils remain and it's INSANE to blame the Jewish for all the world's misery, pain, torment and tyranny even though there are evil Jewish just as there are evil of all ethnicities, religious, races... It's wise to study the WORLD'S HISTORY INTO THE ANCIENT TIMES AS THE JEWISH WERE IN ISRAEL LONG BEFORE THE ISLAMIC PALESTINIANS. It's been an area long contested among many, many peoples throughout time and the unrest is an old and ancient history beginning LONG BEFORE THE JEWS ARRIVED AS IT WAS A CROSSROADS OF TRADE AMONG ALL THE ANCIENT PEOPLES. Were you better informed you would know Mohammed to have not only been a pedophile; he was also a Camel Trucker travelling throughout the Mideast while married to the older, first wife. He most certainly heard the stories originating in Judaic and Christian traditions before trying to create the Quran containing bastardized, confused Biblical Verses completely out of order. Only God KNOWS how many millions were murdered in all the jihads FORCING CONVERSIONS...And, it continues in the present day openly. We are to pray for such as you and I am and will. I NEVER WISH TO HEAR THIS GARBAGE AGAIN."
reply: No one disputes that some Jews (among others) were imprisoned in Germany, before and during the war. I know of a number of prisons in occupied Poland (Poland prepared to attack Germany first), but am not knowledgeable about prisons in Austria. Can you give me the name and I will research it.
A distinct kind of insanity known as Delusion can be assigned to those who believe literally in a story that is primarily fiction. Holocaust believers are deluded, though of course they don't know this and have never been diagnosed. It is possible for them to awaken and heal from this delusion, but part of the affliction involves them protecting their delusion by not only never submitting themselves to look at any evidence that contradicts their belief, but to even recoil in emotional agitation, mostly rage, loathing and fear, from such evidence and anyone honest and bold enough to offer it.
"mountains of hair, jewelry, gold, teeth, clothing, shoes as well as living skeletons, dead and dying human beings..." None of this "evidence" is proof of any mass extermination program. It is hypnotic suggestion that leads a viewer to interpret such things as proof of "the holocaust". Please consider that typhus epidemics were spreading at times through the prisons (not just German prisons, but British, French, Soviet, etc.). One measure to reduce habitat where lice can hide and breed is to shore off all hair. Another is to dispose of old shoes and issue new ones. Dead and dying human beings were certainly a real presence at the end of the war in the prisons, since bombed infrastructure created difficulties delivering supplies, including food, to the prisons, which were also needed by the German population and especially troops at the front trying to prevent the Soviet Red Army founded by the Jew Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) from decimating Germany and raping the women and children.
When the guards and prison administration decided to leave Auschwitz and the other "Aktion Reinhardt" transfer prisons further East in Poland, to retreat back away from the advancing Red Army, they took the prisoners with them. Some prisoners chose to stay and await the Soviets, and the German guards allowed this. Most of the prisoners were grateful to go with the Germans, since the Soviets were feared and loathed. Those prisoners who stayed behind were badly mistreated by the Soviet army, and if any of the prisoners were POW's, they were either executed for treason or sent to Siberian work camps where they mostly died anyway.
"it's INSANE to blame the Jewish (sic) for all the world's misery, pain, torment and tyranny even though there are evil Jewish just as there are evil of all ethnicities, religious, races."
I certainly do not blame Jews for all the world's misery etc. It's insane to claim I do, since I've been quite clear over and over again on this point. The insanity is in the over-reactive protectionism of Jews, which is an insanity that the Jewish Power Elite has cultivated and installed in the populations. This has to be said though and I want to post it separately where it can be considered. Maybe I will make an entire essay post of it:
Jews themselves say they constitute .2% of the world's population. The over-representation of Jews among the world's most evil, corrupt, power-mad, controlling globalists is so large it is astonishing. For instance, the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees is made up of 31 "exceptional people". At least 6 are Jews themselves, many of them the most powerful. I will leave out Schwab since Lex has convinced me he may not be Jewish through his mother (though all his major influences and mentors were/are Jews). This means Jews are about 20% of the Board. At .2% of the world's population, Jews are 100 TIMES over-represented on one of the world's most powerful globalist organizations inflicting the great reset end of humanity plan.
Se we have to ask: Is there some trait in the Jewish racial nature that causes them to produce far more of the worst criminals of humanity and evil technocrats/banksters than any other race? And let us not excuse this fact to Jews responding to "victimhood", since as you say, all peoples have been victimized, enslaved, traumatized, slaughtered and abused, and they don't respond with such mass counter-terrorism as Jews do.
If the current area of Israel was a "crossroads of trade" and "contested" among many ancient peoples, that means it was coveted and desireable. Lex Weiser said it was a "barren patch of desert" that nobody wanted anyway. Of course this is false, you will agree. And if it was contested over and occupied by many other peoples besides the current Palestinians, why should the Jews have it today? Why not the Syrians, who also lived there, or the German Christians who had a large presence in Jerusalem and the surroundings, or the current descendants of the Hittites (or were they exterminated by the Israelites?), or even the True Torah Jews who the current Zionist regime has persecuted and all but exterminated or chased off in a kind of religious cleansing? Hmm? Why Jews? Many others can lay a more legitimate claim to Palestine than the Jews. Even the Turks have a better claim than today's Zionist Jews. Case closed.
You speak of the many millions slaughtered in Islamic conquests, many of them in Europe (you don't speak of that). Just look at the Torah! How many did the Israelites slaughter at the command of their deranged demon god Yahweh? Judaic Jews celebrate these slaughters in their holy days. Purim, Passover, many others.
I resent your offer to pray for me, because it means you think my soul is lost and I am sinful and evil. Jesus said I am the Truth, among other things, so I follow the truth. My pursuit of truth has not led me into sin, but into liberation and freedom. May the truth set you free too.
I understand you find this inquiry into holocaust revision troubling. it was for me too at first. It can be disorienting to find out a deeply-held belief we've had for our whole lives is based on falsehood and even intentional lies. If this is your first encounter, it is common for your reaction to be severe as we see here. As you encounter it again--as surely you will in these times--the reaction will gradually diminish and eventually you may come to a full confrontation with the facts, and the lies and propaganda can fall away. It is a relief in the end, as I can attest.
I feel I have been remiss in not introducing The Occidental Observer to folks here. It is a professional scholarly journal and authors are paid to post essays, administered by Professor and author Kevin MacDonald. It is the most comprehensive and in-depth source I know for many of the topics we are discussing here (though not exactly on the topic of coalition-building as in the original essay by Lex). For instance:
Latest interview with author of the iconic Culture of Critique, An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement In 20th Century Intellectual and Political Movements by Professor Kevin MacDonald.
Lex, thank you for liking my essay on Taboo Truth "Vaxxed and Unvaxxed Now the Same!" That was originally posted on TOO under the title (changed by the editor) "Vaxxed and Unvaxxed Now on Equal Footing." It was re-posted on The Unz Review, which I expect you know to be a huge and growing platform. Unz regularly lifts from TOO.
For those struggling with the truth of historical narratives, I find this to be an excellent introduction to reasonable revision. The search results showed it was on Youtube, but it said "Video unavailable".
It is mirrored in many other sites, but its source is The Institute for Historical Review. Its director Mark Weber gives this speech, and I highly recommend listening for the 1 hour it takes to understand startling truths about history. Taboo truths!
I feel I must address the thoughts expressed in this paragraph:
"I'm never going to agree with Karl, author of Taboo Truth, about National Socialism and some other rather fundamental ideological issues. I would never condone his revisionist views about the Holocaust, the Third Reich, or his theories that assert a malevolent influence of Jews on global events. I consider the premises of his “Jewish Issue” ideology abhorrent and dangerous."
It seems you have pre-decided you are not going to agree with me on certain topics. May I ask, on what basis? I invite you to read my essays on these topics first, and then decide what you will not agree on. It is essential I feel to study the material I have presented before agreeing or disagreeing.
I have studied the 800 page revisionist book The Forced War by Harvard PhD Historian David L Hoggan, and it is exclusively diplomatic history. It examines the true origins of the 2nd World War. The book Truth for Germany by the great German historian Udo Walendy, is an excellent companion work on the same topic. But these are advanced materials, and as an introduction I suggest the book The Myth of Germany Villainy by Benton Bradberry (deceased).
It may be asking much to read an entire book before passing judgement (I don't think so, but others may), so allow me to offer just one of many essays I have written on these topics. This is from my substack site Taboo Truth, and it was published in the print magazine The Barnes Review this past summer. This will require confronting the psycho-social taboo installed around the use of a certain name to overcome the aversion and actually read the essay. Please do your best to bypass the occlusion and read this short concise account of history.
I don't see the cross-post on your site. Is it "Researchers Debate the Jewish Issue"?
I do see you post an essay on how to discuss reality with normies (a poor paraphrase, I don't recall the exact title). I too study this question of how to address people stuck in occluded indoctrination, and so I will try to apply it here.
A good place to start is the holocaust. What is your understanding of this historical event or process, and from what sources do you derive your understanding? I used to have the standard understanding from the standard sources, and then I was introduced to historical revisionism. This allowed me to study both sides of the debate and consider them each in comparison. Ron Unz appears to have done the same thing (he is Jewish), and so changed his understanding.
This is a difficult topic for many to revise, especially Jews it seems. Why? Why is it easier for you to revise your understanding of certain political, social, and cultural topics, but not certain historical ones? You defy the 'divide and conquer' program to the point of even posting my "anti-semitic" essay, which is your strong revision of prevailing views. So you are more than capable of revisionism. I admire that about you, and I agree with you: Coalitions in resistance to divide and conquer are essential. Can they even encompass devout Zionists and holocaust believers in with "anti-semites" and "holocaust deniers"? I prefer the term holocaust revisionist. Historical accuracy matters.
And I prefer the term counter-semite. The extent to which the "existing global power elite" as you term it is Jewish would motivate me to oppose it. Would you consider coalition with me given that some significant component of the global power elite is Jewish? Would you acknowledge it? You say it is "abhorrent and dangerous" of me to hold this view. I feel it is abhorrent and dangerous to avoid or obscure it. As I state in my essay on Taboo Truth "Not All Jews!," we have seen some Jews oppose and denounce the Jewish Power Elite in history, and some today. Those Jews think that the abhorrent and dangerous activities of the JPE puts other relatively innocent Jews at risk (I don't), and so take the responsibility to try and stop the JPE in its cruel and sadistic behavior.
You might consider this perspective. Rather than denounce and dismiss my views as "virulently anti-semitic," you might join the coalition against the JPE and the rest of the global power elite, as a way to help all other Jews and Gentiles as well.
Please consider that it has not been good for the health of the Jewish people to live under the terror of the holocaust story for 80 years now (the story began in 1942 with World Jewish Congress, OSS and MI5 war propaganda). Liberation from this terrorizing story would only be good for most Jews. Only the JPE really benefits from it.
Karl, I want to say first of all that I appreciate this dialogue. In an era of "safe spaces" and similar nonsense, I believe it is imperative that people with different ideologies be able to have rational conversations.
With that said, my knowledge of the Holocaust comes primarily from the lives experience of the 12 survivors whom I have personally met and spoke with. I am very familiar with Holocaust "revisionism," and a key tenet of it's research is to dismiss the loved experience and testimony of former concentration/death camp inmates.
Ask yourself this: based on the historical record, what happened during 2020-2022? Were millions of people killed, censored, locked up, and injected with potentially deadly medical products? Because according to the government's records, that never happened.
We have watched in real time as the authorities have scrubbed and memory-holed all evidence of their crimes against humanity. It's only because of internet video and screenshots that we still know what Fauci said (for example).
Well, the same thing happened with the Holocaust. Of course the camps didn't keep track of how many Jews they murdered. Who would do that?? They did keep records of their sadistic medical experiments though, and that alone is enough to invalidate any excuses made for the Nazi regime.
Thank you Lex, I'm reassured by your appreciation for dialogue and share it whole-heartedly. Always toward the possibility of coalition-building.
I am very interested in the details of the accounts given by the survivors you know. Did any of them claim to have seen smoke issuing from crematoria stacks? Did any of them say they saw bodies killed by hydrogen cyanide gas, and if so, what color were those bodies? Did any of them have knowledge of gas emitted from false shower heads? Did any of them have knowledge of Dr. Joseph Mengele himself directing Jews on railroad platforms to either the work camp or the death camp?
Because I have seen videos of Jewish "survivors" claiming these things, which later were proved to be scientific impossibilities and utter lies, for reasons we can explain. For instance, crematoria operated with thermal efficiency such that no smoke exited from their stacks, only clear exhaust heat. Bodies killed by hydrogen cyanide gas turn bright red, though no "survivor" has ever noted this (a striking detail, I'm sure you would agree). The gas cannot come down out of shower heads, because hydrogen cyanide gas is lighter than air, like helium, and cannot be directed downward from overhead. Etc.
I would not agree it is a "key tenet" of revisionists to dismiss testimony of inmates. It is one of their many approaches to question the eye-witness testimony, and examine it on logical, scientific, practical and technological/forensic grounds. Revisionist are willing accept the eye-witness testimony of prison "survivor" Paul Rassinier, who was a French Communist imprisoned at 3 different German prisons, including Auschwitz. Rassinier said he never say any evidence of mass gassings, for instance. It does appear to be a key tenet of holocaust promoters to protect the eye-witness testimony of "survivors" by shaming those who question them as cruel to innocent victims. I have seen too many videos of eye-witness holocaust promoters claim the most absurd impossible things to accept any of their testimony without scrutiny, and threats of shame should not deter us. Only historical truth matters.
May I ask, for what reason were these 12 "survivors" in German prisons? Were they members of the Communist Party, or working with communists? Had they broken any laws in National Socialist Germany, or participated in any way to support Germany's enemies during the war (these are known as Partisans)? Like most prisons, people were put into them for specific reasons, primarily because they broke some laws. During war this would include supporting the enemy or subverting or sabotaging the home nation's war effort. I would very much like to know the charges upon which the 12 were in prison.
A good question. Really, what happened in 2020-2022 was that millions of people were killed by lockdowns and toxic vaccines. But the official narrative blamed a fictitious disease. Likewise, millions of people died in WW2, civilians and military alike, from various factors, including some in German prisons, but the official narrative blamed evil Germans and their secret gassing program. In fact, what killed most prisoners was the hunger and malnourishment leading to disease such as typhus spread by lice, the malnourishment primarily due to Allied bombing of German infrastructure making challenges for production, processing and delivery of food to the prisons. So the comparison of apt. Strange too, since the disease was fake in 2020-22, but real in 1942-45 (the holocaust was said to have started only in 1942 with the world Jewish Congress working with OSS and MI5 to spin out anti-German war propaganda atrocity stories).
You ask who would keep track of how many died in the German prisons during the war (my paraphrase of your question)? One answer is, the German prison administration did They even kept track of the number of inmates they "murdered", or more accurately executed for repeated attempts to escape, inciting prison riots, assaulting and even killing guards, and a few other offenses. This number was rather small. The records of deaths and other medical information in the prisons is in certain archives, but sharing it with the public is suppressed. Another answer to the question of the death count is: The International Committee of the Red Cross. The ICRC had full access to the 18 major German prisons during the war, and for 2 years afterward. In its 1947 report, the ICRC presented its exact tally of deaths in the German prisons during the war and for 2 years afterwards: 271,301. Note this is not a guess or a round number, it is a precise count based on direct experience and assessment of records the ICRC itself kept during this time. Note as well that not nearly all of these deaths were Jews.
It does appear that the Germans were conducting medical experiments at the time. So were the US, Britain, the USSR, France, etc. Most of the test subjects were voluntary, and were offered concessions including shorter prison sentences if they participated. I have read about some few tests where subjects were compelled, probably because they were problem inmates who might have been executed anyway. One experiment involved submerging subjects in cold water and measuring the response, as a way to improve rescue of sailors and plane pilots when cast into cold ocean water during the war. I have heard at least one test subject died from this experiment. Stories of severing hands and re-attaching onto opposite arms, injecting the eyes with blue dye and the like are pure propaganda of a comic-book absurdity and must be rejected. Dr. Mengele was mainly engaged with measures to prevent the spread of typhus and other diseases which at times in outbreaks were decimating the prison population, including guards, and so reducing the German work force making supplies for the war effort. He may have overseen medical experiments as well.
The US government has conducted hideous experiments in trauma-based mind control known as MK Ultra, Phoenix program, and others. This too is said to have derived from evil "Nazi" experiments, but the sadistic doctor at the core of the MK Ultra program was a Jew. His name was Sydney Gottlieb, real name Schieder, an Eastern European Jew. Is this enough to invalidate any excuses made for the Judeo-Masonic regime? Today the Likud party government of Israel is conducting a mass medical experiment upon the Jewish-Israeli people with multiple injections of the unapproved experimental Pfizer covid vax, and high numbers of Israeli Jews are dying and being mangled for life because of it. Is this enough to invalidate any excuses made for the Likud regime? The Germans were trying to help people through medical experimentation, not harm them. Mengele succeeded in stopping typhus outbreaks and was recognized as such.
I truly would like you to answer my questions about the 12 survivors, if you would. This is crucial to know.
Karl, the only Holocaust survivors still alive were children during the early 1940s. Although many of the 12 that I've met and spoken with have since died, the oldest was 16 at the time he was imprisoned in Auschwitz. Therefore, the suggestion that they were guilty of some crime is ludicrous.
And yes, one of the survivors did meet and interact with Dr. Mengele, and saw him directing prisoners left or right as they came off the trains. The ones who went in one direction were imprisoned, and the others were never seen again.
Here's the thing ... People can't even agree on what's happening RIGHT NOW in the world, let alone the last two years, and certainly not what happened 80 years ago. If the COVID era has taught us anything, it's that the historical record can be twisted and distorted in infinite ways.
President Eisenhower, whatever his other faults may have been, anticipated that people would not believe the truth of the Holocaust, and ordered military combat camera crews to document the camps extensively. Whatever academic apologetics can be wrung from written records, the photographic evidence shows the truth.
The ONLY divide in the world is the top 1% vs. everyone else. Everything else is a distraction from that.
It's prob much smaller.
And there are probably a couple very, very rich men who are saints.
Raoul Wallenberg, bankers family, went into Budapest with great sums of $. He saved 100k Jews in unbelievable exploits. You really think you are reading fiction.
Btw, threatened a Nazi General with post war hanging if he didn't call off killing of all Jews in a ghetto. IT WORKED.. 73k Jews saved
Sadly he was taken prisoner by Russians when they entered city. Abandoned by 6 countries that really owed him. Vile.
the Warsaw Ghetto and other all-Jewish neighborhoods were harboring Jewish Communists and sabateurs and members of Jewish organized crime units. They had been preparing for more than a year to resist displacement as the Germans staged their military operations in these cities in their battle with the Communist USSR (#2 leader, Lazar Kaganovich, Jewish). Jewish brigades in these cities were partly supplied by the Soviets as proxy warriors against the Germans.
So the Germans fought an urban war against those Jews who refused to relocate, but instead dug into underground bunkers and compounds and fought a guerilla urban war with surprisingly good weaponry and tactics. Finally the Germans resorted to burning down whole city blocks to smoke the Jewish soldiers out and imprison those who were not killed in the fighting.
Stories of German mass slaughters of innocent non-combattant Jews is Jewish oligarch war propaganda.
They say history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. Doesn't any of what you're saying remind you of what we experienced for ourselves over the last 3 years? The Jews were communist insurgents in exactly the same way that Canadian truckers and Trump voters are neo-Nazis.
The Third Reich was an oppressive, authoritarian, genocidal regime, and their legacy is being carried on by the WEF and other transnational technocratic entities. The only difference is that they label their enemies as Nazis now instead of communists, because they themselves are Communists.
But it's the same exact playbook. Accuse your undesirables ("deplorables") as being whatever it is the general public is afraid of, and then strip them of their human rights, property and lives.
Here's the thing, Karl ... You and I can argue all day about whether the Jews at the CDC and WEF are puppet-masters or puppets, but that doesn't help us defend ourselves against them. Today, the undesirable class is not identified by race or religion. They are identified by their opposition to the transhumanist, deathvaxx agenda. They want to kill you, not because you support a revisionist view of the Reich, but because you oppose them (or, more accurately, because you're of no use to them). They want to kill me, not because I think Israel should have expelled all its Arabs in 1947, but because to them, I'm just like you.
The real question is this: how can we put aside our arguments about the past, and fight together so that we have some kind of future?
As always, there's much to say here, but I will focus on trying to answer your question: "how can we put aside our arguments about the past, and fight together so that we have some kind of future?" Of course this is the essential question.
Coalitions are formed of sub-groups. On both sides. Sometimes one sub-group in one coalition agrees to fight against one certain sub-group in another coalition. A good example was Operation Barbarossa, where the Romanian and Hungarian divisions joined under German general von Rundstedt to strike into the Ukraine toward Kiev and secure the food supplies there. Meanwhile, the Italians joined the Germans in the center column toward Moscow. Another example was the Spanish Civil War. The Army of Africa (black muslims from Morocco) joined the Spanish Nationalists and fought against select contingents of the Communist/Anarchist coalition, while General Franco and other Nationalists, including Falangists, Carlists, Monarchists and others, fought other contingents of the Communists/Anarchists elsewhere.
I think you understand what this means. If you can agree that me and my sub-group in our coalition will focus on the Jewish contingent among the enemy coalition, then I can agree that you and your sub-group will focus on the non-Jewish contingent among the enemy coalition.
This may mean each of has to commit to at least one change each: You will have to release your fears that identifying Jews as our enemies will bring any kind of unwanted attention against you as a Jew yourself, and I will have to release my concern that we will be dividing our forces and redirecting some of them against a contingent of the enemy that is not nearly as great a threat.
Is this at least the start of a sufficient answer for you? What would you add?
Karl, that is an intriguing idea, and an interesting history lesson. I readily admit that I had not considered this strategy, and I think it is highly complementary to the "leaderless resistance" paradigm that I wrote about separately.
If I understand what you're saying, the advantage of this approach (hypothetically, of course) is that each opposition faction can focus on the enemy contingent that they see as the greatest threat.
There are ample risks, of course, in both the short and long term. Speaking hypothetically, in the short term, a faction might identify a target that another faction might disagree with, or use tactics that another faction might find objectionable. In the long term, the factions - after being victorious against a common enemy - might turn on each other (think post-WWII USSR and USA).
Nonetheless, given the risks of doing nothing, I think this is an idea I can get behind. What do you think of this as a component of leaderless resistance?
I am not sure about leaderless resistance. It sounds like anarchism, and that was a disaster for the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. I favor strong, clear and even brilliant leadership, such as Erwin Rommel, Hans Guderian (both tank commanders) and Admiral Horthy for a time in the Russian Revolution against the Bolshevik Jews. Hitler, Mussolini and Franco can also be put into this category of strong, clear, brilliant military leaders. Hitler's main disputes with his generals in Barbarossa was because Hitler knew they needed resources and supplies as much as military targets, and the German generals did not understand this.
Perhaps I don't understand your concept of leaderless resistance, and need to learn more. I was in a few street protests opposite Antifa/BLM, and our side (I might call us 2A Patriots) were completely leaderless and disorganized, while Antifa/BLM coordinated together, responded as a whole to new developments, had an overall strategy, and had clear leaders who were obviously paid and trained as such, probably by the Jew Soros. We on the other hand had no clear leaders and failed to respond, had no overall strategy or goal, and even seemed to have an aversion to organizing of any kind. We had no funding, no training, and no coordination among ourselves. If this had been an actual street fight, we would have lost though we had physically larger personnel (and guns, which changes everything of course). We did not even have a coordinated policy on the use or display of guns. It was embarrassing.
I must say, I think leadership is essential. We really don't have any to speak of, and I think that is something the Oligarch Overlords ensure. Any actual leader of resistance against them is either marginalized, converted through bribe and threat, or assassinated. As someone here mentioned, 15 attempts were made against Hitler's life, some of them by his own military staff, because he was the greatest of these leaders against the NWO Oligarch Overlords. Our prospects for resistance are much diminished without highly proficient, experienced leadership.
The WEF conducts its Young Global Leaders program to train and place leaders around the world (they are puppets and frontmen, but nevertheless they are considered "leaders"). The evil Jew Oligarch child-raping psychopath Leslie Wexner funds a similar "leadership" program for Israel's future "leaders".
I believe we need the strongest and wisest of leaders. I would joyfully follow one if I thought he was genuine. Many were overjoyed with Trump as a leader to MAGA, but he was another puppet and frontman for Jewish Power. This is provable. Trump was MIGA--Make Israel Greater Again.
The natural thrust toward leadership has been degraded in white men. I have seem many Alpha White males fail to lead in situations where they were needed. They have been indoctrinated to be hesitant, permissive, fail of righteous intolerance, weak, anxious and indecisive. I do have hope that the extremity of our dilemma will help some such men to break out of their hypnotic trance, and claim their leadership power. This is the most powerful of all archetypes, the Return of the King (both in the realm of the nation and inside the individual psyche), and I feel its power is rising.
What more can you tell me about leaderless resistance? Perhaps it is good to avoid identifying a leader the Oligarchs can neutralize.
I can't go point for point.
Catholic Church wrote Encyclicals against communism and Nazism and fascism.
When we get a true pope, this depopulation scheme is over.
Commies, tyrants piss in their pants at the Pope. Tertified.
False popes since 1958 persecute Catholics
It probably was fiction.
Budapest and all of Hungary was overtaken by Communist revolution that lasted for 6 months in 1919. Bela Kuhn became the Communist dictator, and managed to slaughter 10s of 1000s of Christian Hungarians (Magyars) before he was deposed and escaped back to the USSR.
Bela Kuhn was Jewish. Many of his main hatchet men were also Jewish, just as the CHEKA was in the USSR.
Hungary was formally an ally of National Socialist Germany in WW2, and fielded a number of divisions under their own officers and with their own equipment and arms in Operation Barbarossa, the pre-emptive strike into the USSR by German, Hungarian, Romanian, Italian and the mixed-European army known as the Waffen SS, which commenced on the pre-dawn morning of June 22, 1941. Stalin and the Soviets had amassed many enormous armies in 2 strategic echelons, poised to invade Germany and sweep through the rest of Europe to seize Communist control. Hitler and the coalition forces with Germany struck first and surprised the Soviet armies, which were prepared only for offensive warfare. Operation Barbarossa failed later for a number of reasons: US re-supplied the Soviets through the Lend/Lease Act (passed by Jews Henry Morgenthau Jr of the Treasury Dept. and Harry Dexter White (Weiss), also Jewish), internal sabotage by German aristocrats in the military who resented Hitler's meritocracy, and difficulties with supply lines in the bitter winter of 1941-2. But Operation Barbarossa delayed the Soviet take-over of Eastern Europe by at least a year, and prevent the full conquering of all of Europe.
Well said!! I myself find it hard to not fall into this trap and we all do a lot. I need to be more aware of this.
-Kyle from LinkedIn
Lex, I think most Jewish are hard working, kind, love their families.
I have seen much ugly anti semitism. I'm a traditional Catholic* and have seen it there. A small group of Jews as well as other groups (protestants, modernists, Freemasons, communists etc)did pull off hijacking of institutions of Catholic Church 1958 and years following, but this was a very small minority.
It is absolutely against natural law to judge one person based on skin, race, religion etc.
I will reply with a great film , free, on great woman who fought Hitler
* this is redundant. But using it as some believe their are other kinds of Catholics.
Raoul Wallenberg unbelievable.
Colonel Klaus Stauffenberg also
Sophie was so fearless.
She was not cautious in putting out writings.
If she had been more careful, White Rose would have continued to shake the very foundations of 4th Reich...
Great woman, dear brother and friends.
Please watch movie
You can borrow this book, Free, at
Oh yes, great film. Given the risks, it's amazing that there was as much resistance as there was.
Re: the plots against Hitler. One has to wonder whether there aren't people in the WEF who are considering something similar.
There were at least 15 Plots against Hitler's life, from early on.
The military ones... Very hard to plan, because you would have to take out much of high command. Logistics.. Your people could get transferred, and explosives much more tightly controlled
I could tell you stupefing stories about Resistance and trying to save Jewish people.
The Italian Raoul Wallenberg was arguing fiercely with apostate Nazi on the street. Afterwards, Raoul said to IRW, you know who that was?
On WEF .... There is a fierce, fierce war on many fronts.
A race traitor and unknowing agent of Communists. National Socialism was hugely popular in Germany for obvious reasons, and Sophie was an outlier
Nazism was evil, as was Communism.
The Scholls are loved over the world for their bravery and decency
National Socialism was good. the US fought the wrong enemy.
Yes, so are Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. (real name Michael, and not a doctor since his dissertation was plagiarized). Yet they were both violent Communists, Michael moreso an agent of Communists than one himself. King's handler and speech writer and organizer was Stanley Levison, Jewish, asset of the Communist Party.
Nazis were very evil. The state is not God. They killed innocent people... Jews, handicapped, intellectuals... Anyone who disagreed with them too much.
Communism, evil twin sister.
The State is not God. WEF, nations have been taken over by their sick ideas.
If Colonel Stauffenberg had put both explosives in, Hitler would have been killed. Great film. Below is a link
Pope Pius XII ordered convents and monasteries opened up to Jews.
he is slandered as our traditional catholics because satan wants to destroy last vestiges of Catholic faith. He has *almost* succeeded.
Btw, when we get s true pope, game over for nwo.
Commies stated ( I am almost sure, can't find) that Catholic Church only institution on earth that could stop them.
Vatican 1 and the Catholics generally supported National Socialist Germany and some bishops declared Hitler a kind of messiah figure, for his opposition to Communism, the great enemy of Catholocism and all religion. The Vatican provided "rat lines" for National Socialist leaders to escape the cruel punishments and executions the Communists and Zionist Banksters had planned for the National Socialists.
Pope Pius XII might have been working to kill Hitler. They despised each othet
Vatican I was a Council in 19th century. Hitler was after 1920.
There were evil bishops... They were not the Church.. They're on their own, esp at Final judgment.
There were 3 very brave German bishops, one Lion of Munster.
Catholic Church is against Nazism, communism, fascism.. Read Encyclicals.
Any rat lines were done by evil churchmen. They will answer.
Catholic Church has dome depraved members
Catholic Encyclical against Nazism
Colonel Stauffenberg was a Catholic. He rec'd blessing from his Bishop before he went to Wolf's Lair. The bishop didn't have details but knew something was up.
Hitler when elected had about one third of votes. So I don't believe most of Catholics liked him. Probably a yhird.
And these numbers started going down with atrocities.
Hitler killed many priests
Adolf Hitler was never elected. He was appointed to the Chancellor role by President von Hindenburg. Hitler ran for President in 1930, and received significant votes, but did not win. The NSDAP as a party had its most successful vote count that year, 44%. We may think this is not a majority, but there were 37 political parties, who formed coalitions to put forth candidates, making the NSDAP 44% by far the highest vote count of any one party. By 1932 a slight decline in voting for NSDAP showed the party that their window of opportunity might be slipping. So Hitler appealed for the Chancellor role, which is appointed not voted. In a complex political maneuvering (which did not include assassinations, torture or threats, but purely legitimate political processes such as forming coalition with President von Hindenburg's Catholic Centrist party), Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor and took office on January 30,1933. As he stood at the Chancellory window, throngs of German people paraded past his window all night long, saluting and celebrating the new leader who had promised to rescue them from the horrors of the Jewish-dominated Weimar period.
Within 2 years,he had succeeded.
Most of Germany was Catholic or Lutheran, with Hitler baptised and a practicing Catholic until after WWI, when he attended mass only occasionally. Almost all the National Socialst leaders were Catholic with some Lutheran. Himmler attempted for a time to practice a form of Germanic non-Christian religion among the SS (Schutzstaffel or High Command), rooted in regional natural Germanic worship, but this failed to develop. Hitler and the NSDAP were enormously popular with almost the entirety of the German people, many of whom were Catholic.
It is true that the German eugenics and euthanasia programs at the time were disputed by Catholic bishops and other leaders as immoral, and so Hitler ordered the programs discontinued. Eugenics means literally "good breeding", and could be extended to mean the organized application of human breeding to improve the physical, moral and intellectual quality of the population. The US, Britain, France and other nations had similar programs at the time, and eugenics was a valid and admirable pursuit. Only after the war did the Communists demonize the idea and promote their Dysgenics programs. A great book on eugenics at the time is Lothrop Stoddard's Rise of the Underman.
But I don't believe the Catholic dispute with the NSDAP euthanasia program diminished Catholic support for the party and Chancellor, especially since Hitler agreed to suspect the program at the wishes of the Catholic clergy.
I am not aware of any documents or evidence showing Hitler killed priests. Please provide such sources and I will be willing to review. We do know that Stalin (Djugashvili) and the Communists generally killed, tortured and raped many priests and nuns. Hitler was appalled by this and said so, and that is one reason he supported the Churches in Germany with a quasi-official status and government funding and tax relief. Hitler was determined to rebuild the German family structure, and knew the Church was essential in that effort. The People approved. This protection of the Church and vigorous fight against religion-destroying Communism was the main reasons some Catholic clergy celebrated Hitler as a kind of Christian savior and supported him.
On election, ill concede.
At one point there was a count and 3 groups all about a third...
I will let you have last word after I say this... I'm talking gr from substack, to pray more Rosary. I try to tell people about Great Age of Mary, that is coming, and am abject failure
Hitler most certainly knew about holocaust. Pope Pius XII ordered up convents and monasteries opened for Jews. Death penalty offense for those in convents.
They were horribly targeted.
Unbelievable is the word.
You are a voice of sweet reason and I totally agree!
Somewhat related is this essay
What is the Hegelian Dialectic by Nikki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich
Wonder how this essay fits with what you wrote above. It’s related but not exactly the same thing.
I don't have a problem with making common cause with antisemites, but there are a few issues we should discuss with them. For instance, why are Jews the only people in the world that shouldn't have their own state? To me, Zionism is Jewish nationalism. If Americans, Germans, Italians, French, etc. can have their own state, why shouldn't Jews? Zionism isn't a threat to the world, so when these people go on and on about "Zionists" when the word is being used in an inaccurate, bad faith way, they are implicitly supporting genocide.
Also, the essay you posted isn't the worst of that bunch. I'm sure you've seen the other material. Pseudo scholarly essays and videos about how the Synagogue of Satan sacrifices Christian babies and aims to exterminate everyone who isn't Jewish. This is projection, and exactly what they want to do to Jews. I'm all for publishing the views of human garbage like David Icke and others, because they're right about so much, and someone has to do it, but decent people have to force them to debate the Jewish thing, otherwise the punch line of their argument is, get on the train.
Zionist Jews absolutely cannot confine themselves to one nation, even if that area is stolen from the current residents, Palestinians. Zionist Jews must occupy and control to a large extent other nations as well, because Israel cannot survive on its own without parasitizing other nations. The US is the primary host today, but it used to be Britain and France before the 1967 Six Day War. Please research If Americans Knew for the deep knowledge on this issue.
Zionism in its deepest agenda is indeed a threat to the world, and it is currently quite obviously a threat to the Middle East. Israel gives asylum to pedophile networks, bankster criminals, spies damaging to America such as Jonathan Pollard, and every kind of international crook and swindler. Israel steals US tech and military secrets and sells it to America's enemies, such as China. Israel did 9/11, and that can be proven, in order to launch the War on Terror for American to fight Israel's enemies in the Middle East and beyond. Israel leaches blood and treasure from the US to wreak its destruction and pursue its Yinon Plan of expansion throughout the region, seeing Eretz Yishrael, Greater Israel. That must not come to be.
What should be done with Zionist Jews?
This is close to the core of what has been known historically as "the Jewish Question". Rather than approach it as a question, for which there may be a "final solution to the Jewish Question," it now seems we much approach it as an Issue, for which there may be a Final Resolution. Issues are more complex than questions and require a something much more than a solution: a Resolution.
Jung said: "The significant issues of our lives can never be fully resolved, only outgrown." Psychological growth was near the heart of the Jungian approach.
FWIW, Haemers is a Jewish name, and you seem to have a dark complexion. Are you sure you're Aryan? Maybe personal integration could be the Final Resolution for many self-hating crypto Jews.
No, it can't be! Haemers is a Germanic/Aryan name. It is similar to Hamlet, who was of course a Dane, who were Germanic.
If you have any evidence Haemers is Jewish, please provide and I will consider it.
Where do you see my dark complexion? It is true I have some Sicilian blood (1/4), which does not necessitate tan skin tone, since Sicilians are a wide mix of many sub-races and races and skin tone among Sicilians varies widely. It is true some Jews lived on Sicily, as did Arabs (semites), along with Berbers (white N African tribe), Mediterranean Europeans and of course Nordic Europeans. But it does appear I get my tan skin tone from a Sicilian background.
Half of my ancestry is Germanic/Aryan though through my mother. I heard a few stories at the family gatherings that my grandmother lived in Berlin during the war and was a strong supporter of the NSDAP and Chancellor Hitler, as were most Germans.
I would agree with your thought that integration could be a Final Resolution, if you mean including cross-breeding to diminish the Jewish nature. But I don't think this would apply to "self-hating Jews," since they are already allies, such as Gilad Atzmon for instance. Crypto Jews are indeed an ongoing problem, and attempts at integration (at least culturally and politically, not racially) have only allowed them to operate behind crypto-cover. It is said the House of Saud that rules Saudi Arabia are crypto-Jews descended from the Donmeh (the Hidden, followers of the perverse evil cult leader Jew Jacob Frank).
Besides, the Jewish Power Elite resist integration and promote and practice Jewish Supremacism, breeding among their own for enhanced evil traits, while selectively including certain non-Jew genetics when marriage alliances suit their power goals. Trump's children are good examples.
But I take your point. If some Jews who oppose the JPE can integrate as non-Jews, either through mixed breeding, cultural and social and political alignment or both, then that would be a Final Resolution for them and us. They wouldn't necessarily be Crypto though, but converts in a sense .The best example I know if Benjamin Freedman. Please look up his speech at the Willard Hotel in 1961 for some amazing knowledge.
No, I mean personal integration, as in introspection, leading to people organizing the personality at a higher level that doesn't require a scapegoat. I am totally against forced integration of any ethnic group. I think you mean well and are a more pleasant person to chat with than many others of your political orientation, but unfortunately I think we're a long way off from finding common ground, so I think the best thing is for the Jews to do our own personal integration, and for everyone else to do the same.
"Americans, Germans, Italians, French, etc. have their own state"--like everyone in those countries belongs to the same religion? That's so absurd that I don't know where to start....
Like the other countries I mentioned, Israel has citizens of different religions. Also, there are many other countries that have one official religion, e.g. Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. etc. I wonder why Israel is singled out.
Look, I agree with you, but this is exactly my point. If we get sidetracked by trying to win these conflicts, important as they are, we all lose.
But notice who is refusing to make peace. Some people will post links to a neonazi site on a cat video. Zionists just watch the cat video and don't do hasbara.
Yes, that is part of why I can't go on Twitter. I made some comments on a thread that was equating male circumcision to female genital mutilation, and was getting spammed for literally weeks.
Zionists go insane when they see a National Socialist video. The reaction is like that of a cornered wounded animal. I know, it's "anti-semitic" to compare Zionists to animals. But Extreme Talmudic Fundamentalists believe all other peoples other than Jews are lower level creatures, similar to animals compared to the divine Jewish being. They have a word for the rest of us, the most racist word in any language because it refers to everyone else, not just one racial type: Goyim.
Exactly. You have to hold your tongue until after we defeat the Globalists.
Because Israel is Jewish-Supremacist and racist apartheid.
Israel & Israelis are just a human shield for the Rothschilds (& a gravy train for our for-profit military-industrial complex). Change my mind.
Since you brought it up; could you enlighten some of us out here about the CURRENT antisemites referring to cruel/barbaric, infant/child-torturing/murdering/eating 'Kazakhs out of Russia/Mongolia who allegedly entering into Ukraine to be given the choice of Judaism or Christianity as a condition to stay.
Allegedly, they chose Judaism and were never real Jews, it's been written. This is written about extensively in an Online Presentation called 'Fall of the Cabal' and the Ashkenazi Jewish heritage is of this ancestry/heritage which includes the Rothschilds whom OWN ALL THE CENTRALIZED BANKS AROUND THE WORLD. This Online history outlines the family's migration throughout EU and the Banking Network they built as they accrued extensive wealth, became Financial Advisors to the Monarchies who deemed them aristocracy and WHOM ARE NOW AT THE TOP OF THE HEIRARCHY OF EVIL WE NOW FIGHT along with the EU Aristocracy that's been Totalitarian and Slave Masters to the EU population for over 1000 years.
It's not difficult to discern people to be using this to foment a new hatred and rationalization to hate torment/torture Jewish people and Israel as a nation; to displace the Jewish people from having any homeland. Am finding this disgusting and since you're addressing the new-old growing hatreds...Thought it would be appropriate to question this alternate history never mentioned until recently. Rest assured, it's not a natural disposition towards hatred. It's fact that anger and frustration feeds the darkness in human nature where people often seek GROUPS OF ANY KIND TO VENT, PROJECT/DISPLACE ANGER/RAGE ONTO WHEN THEY FEEL HELPLESS AS MANY HAVE COME TO FEEL. Just want to hear your voice as a Jewish person as it's a certain fact you know the history of the Jewish diaspora of the last 2000 years better than I do.
As for the rest of what you wrote...ABSOLUTELY ON TARGET; although, you and I would not be enemies.
I confess, I'm having a little trouble understanding your question.
Was asking about the claims of the issues raised in 'Fall of the Cabal' simply because it's almost common to encounter people saying negative comments about Jewish people overall based upon the preliminary info I provided. I was asking what the history of the Jewish diaspora in EU is? Is there any logic or fact of those claims?
It's unsettling to encounter the discrimination/prejudice against Jewish people given the fact of the Rothschilds, Harari and others at this time because they're not the only guilty of evil. Evil has no monopoly among any particular group of people...Lucifer/Satan is an 'Equal Opportunity Abuser' of all humanity.
Education and entrepreneurship have been hallmarks of Jewish culture for millennia. During medieval Europe, Jews weren't allowed to own property or join trade guilds, so they became bankers and merchants. When Thomas Edison barred Jews from working in the film industry he established on the East Coast, they moved to California and started their own. After the Holocaust, Jews took an unwanted patch of desert and made it bloom into the state of Israel.
Every time hatred and bigotry has knocked Jews down, they've found a way to succeed anyway. This disproportionate success (Jews are over-represented in almost every field of endeavor) has driven intense hatred and jealousy.
Yes, there are bad Jews who are "useful idiots" for the Army of Death - people like George Soros and Noah Harari, just as there are bad Christians and bad atheists who serve the same cause. But there are also good Jews, Christians and atheists in the Army of Life as well.
The battles of the past were often framed in terms of religion, but the enemy we face today wants to destroy us all, regardless of race, creed or color. To defend ourselves, we need to build a broad coalition that spans these old group boundaries.
Thank-you for your input. There were both personal and professional reasons for asking as well as overall lack of knowledge contributing to the need for information. Here in the rural Midwest, there are not as many Jewish people to ask such questions. Suspected much of the growing prejudice to have been based upon jealousy and undue hatred both in the older times and now.
Jealousy/Envy are strong evils and when human beings possess them virtually anything is possible and justified with any rationalization. The point is...There is NO group of people having any kind of monopoly upon any particular sin and that is a fact of life on Earth. Never have I believed Jewish people evil or particularly sinful; in fact, it's been quite the opposite since Judaic Traditions/Practice are a part of my Maternal family through my grandfather, though we're Roman Catholic born and raised.
Since adulthood, those of my family have been told about how my family always thought we were "better, special, spoiled". It really was/is based upon the RESPECT OF THE MEN FOR GOD, THEIR WOMEN AND THE CHILDREN. We were all blessed; one to the others. We always kept the sabbath...etc. Gosh, I'm so glad you answered me.
Completely concur with you about the severity and priority of the THREAT TO THE PLANET AND BY WHOM. It is vital for 'The People' of GOOD WILL to JOIN TOGETHER TO FIGHT THIS HORROR we find ourselves in right now.
When people are fat and happy, they couldn't care less about Jews. As soon as the economy turns down, war is happening, and people start looking for somebody to blame, they start pointing the fingers at us.
It's particularly stupid right now, because humanity as a whole is under attack. Anyone who doesn't want to be a bug-eating, brain-chipped slave needs to put aside these bullshit arguments and confront the real threat.
"And though a man might prevail against him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:12
Impossible to improve upon what you wrote...But then again, 'The Bible' generally has the last word and the person speaking it is generally one seeking and living wisdom. 😉
I have a very different understanding than your views expressed here.
Jews never wanted to work in guilds, so usury banking was an obvious affinity. Communist Jews came to the US from eastern Europe and started Hollywood as part of the Communist subversion of US culture and religion. Edison had no power to prevent Jews from working in the film industry, in my understanding. This is well documented in the book An Empire of Their Own.
To say Palestine was "an unwanted patch of desert" sounds of absurd Zionist propaganda. The region was always wanted throughout history, and much of it is naturally verdant. The Israelis did not "make it bloom" either, they relied first on British and French support to build up the nation, while stealing entire villages and towns built by Palestinians. The Kibbutz system was largely a failure, and the Rothschilds also worked to fund Israel's development through the Jewish National Fund and other schemes. Jewish mobsters such as Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel and others provided funds and arms for Zionist terror groups such as Haganah and Irgun and Stern Gang (Lehi). The holocaust myth was used to justify this colonialist land grab, and to frighten regular Jews into moving to the unwanted patch of desert where they would be safe from the next holocaust looming at any moment. Your statement sounds like the Zionist propagandist of Israel Zangwill who introduced the term "A land without people for a people without land." Palestinians have not nearly so clever propaganda.
Jews were knocked down and expelled because their hostility and hatred of other peoples led them to inflict heinous damage on others, including brutal ruinous usury, cultural degradation and Jewish Ritual Murder, the rape, torture and murder by blood-letting of helpless innocent primarily Christian children. Yes, JRM is real, and it continues today through people we can name. In short, Jews earned the hatred of other peoples, who were willing at first to give Jews asylum from their last expulsion, but then grew angry at how atrociously they were repaid for their hospitality to Jews. America today is an excellent example. Success does not drive "intense hatred and jealously" at Jews--that would be like claiming Al Qaida attacked the US out of jealousy. Immoral corrupt business practices, cultural subversion, degrading the Christian religion, destroying the family structure, spreading Communism, perverting the sexuality of youth, lying, using media to accomplish all this, buying off politicians to betray the voting electorate, and of course usury drives intense hatred of Jews.
2 things help create coalitions: a common cause and a common enemy. The common cause is survival of humanity as natural humans and liberty, and the common enemy is the Jewish Power Elite, Zionist Banksters, Extreme Talmudic Fundamentalists, Judeo-Masonic cult, and the Power Jews throughout the current global infrastructure.
Even regular Jews should be able to rally around that.
It's common to encounter people saying negative things about Jewish people overall based on their collective behavior toward other groups. Whether these Jews are "Khazarians" or "Hebrews" or something else is less relevant than the negative perception due to their behavior toward others. The Jewish Power Elite may be promoting the Khazarian theory as another strategy to deflect awareness of their intolerable behavior.
In my current understanding, the DNA evidence does not support the Khazarian theory. Ashkenasi Jews are certainly a mixture of racial types, but emerge as their own distinct race. It seems they do have some genetic referent to the ancient Hebrews. This in no way entitles them to Palestinian land however.
BlazeCloude3 posted this reply to a comment of mine, but I do not see it here now. I will reproduce it from my email notification, and respond:
"Two Uncles, now dead along with their 'double first cousins' were among those entering Concentration Camps in Austria and Poland near the end of WW2. You're INSANE to believe the Holocaust a myth when it was WORSE than could ever be merely reported and mountains of hair, jewelry, gold, teeth, clothing, shoes as well as living skeletons, dead and dying human beings; millions and millions upon millions was all that remained when the Nazis and their Soros-like sympathizers tried to leave. They just couldn't manage it fast enough. Sin is not a monopoly based in the Jewish Tradition/Culture/Religion/Lifestyle as it's found in all its ugliness throughout the world. Evil lives, breaths and grows in the souls of ALL humanity and this will continue until God's timing ends it all. There isn't one ethnicity, culture or religious background not serving in Slavery among any in the world and though the world doesn't know it, we've been slaves to the Establishment since before all of us were born. All the old evils remain and it's INSANE to blame the Jewish for all the world's misery, pain, torment and tyranny even though there are evil Jewish just as there are evil of all ethnicities, religious, races... It's wise to study the WORLD'S HISTORY INTO THE ANCIENT TIMES AS THE JEWISH WERE IN ISRAEL LONG BEFORE THE ISLAMIC PALESTINIANS. It's been an area long contested among many, many peoples throughout time and the unrest is an old and ancient history beginning LONG BEFORE THE JEWS ARRIVED AS IT WAS A CROSSROADS OF TRADE AMONG ALL THE ANCIENT PEOPLES. Were you better informed you would know Mohammed to have not only been a pedophile; he was also a Camel Trucker travelling throughout the Mideast while married to the older, first wife. He most certainly heard the stories originating in Judaic and Christian traditions before trying to create the Quran containing bastardized, confused Biblical Verses completely out of order. Only God KNOWS how many millions were murdered in all the jihads FORCING CONVERSIONS...And, it continues in the present day openly. We are to pray for such as you and I am and will. I NEVER WISH TO HEAR THIS GARBAGE AGAIN."
reply: No one disputes that some Jews (among others) were imprisoned in Germany, before and during the war. I know of a number of prisons in occupied Poland (Poland prepared to attack Germany first), but am not knowledgeable about prisons in Austria. Can you give me the name and I will research it.
A distinct kind of insanity known as Delusion can be assigned to those who believe literally in a story that is primarily fiction. Holocaust believers are deluded, though of course they don't know this and have never been diagnosed. It is possible for them to awaken and heal from this delusion, but part of the affliction involves them protecting their delusion by not only never submitting themselves to look at any evidence that contradicts their belief, but to even recoil in emotional agitation, mostly rage, loathing and fear, from such evidence and anyone honest and bold enough to offer it.
"mountains of hair, jewelry, gold, teeth, clothing, shoes as well as living skeletons, dead and dying human beings..." None of this "evidence" is proof of any mass extermination program. It is hypnotic suggestion that leads a viewer to interpret such things as proof of "the holocaust". Please consider that typhus epidemics were spreading at times through the prisons (not just German prisons, but British, French, Soviet, etc.). One measure to reduce habitat where lice can hide and breed is to shore off all hair. Another is to dispose of old shoes and issue new ones. Dead and dying human beings were certainly a real presence at the end of the war in the prisons, since bombed infrastructure created difficulties delivering supplies, including food, to the prisons, which were also needed by the German population and especially troops at the front trying to prevent the Soviet Red Army founded by the Jew Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) from decimating Germany and raping the women and children.
When the guards and prison administration decided to leave Auschwitz and the other "Aktion Reinhardt" transfer prisons further East in Poland, to retreat back away from the advancing Red Army, they took the prisoners with them. Some prisoners chose to stay and await the Soviets, and the German guards allowed this. Most of the prisoners were grateful to go with the Germans, since the Soviets were feared and loathed. Those prisoners who stayed behind were badly mistreated by the Soviet army, and if any of the prisoners were POW's, they were either executed for treason or sent to Siberian work camps where they mostly died anyway.
"it's INSANE to blame the Jewish (sic) for all the world's misery, pain, torment and tyranny even though there are evil Jewish just as there are evil of all ethnicities, religious, races."
I certainly do not blame Jews for all the world's misery etc. It's insane to claim I do, since I've been quite clear over and over again on this point. The insanity is in the over-reactive protectionism of Jews, which is an insanity that the Jewish Power Elite has cultivated and installed in the populations. This has to be said though and I want to post it separately where it can be considered. Maybe I will make an entire essay post of it:
Jews themselves say they constitute .2% of the world's population. The over-representation of Jews among the world's most evil, corrupt, power-mad, controlling globalists is so large it is astonishing. For instance, the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees is made up of 31 "exceptional people". At least 6 are Jews themselves, many of them the most powerful. I will leave out Schwab since Lex has convinced me he may not be Jewish through his mother (though all his major influences and mentors were/are Jews). This means Jews are about 20% of the Board. At .2% of the world's population, Jews are 100 TIMES over-represented on one of the world's most powerful globalist organizations inflicting the great reset end of humanity plan.
Se we have to ask: Is there some trait in the Jewish racial nature that causes them to produce far more of the worst criminals of humanity and evil technocrats/banksters than any other race? And let us not excuse this fact to Jews responding to "victimhood", since as you say, all peoples have been victimized, enslaved, traumatized, slaughtered and abused, and they don't respond with such mass counter-terrorism as Jews do.
If the current area of Israel was a "crossroads of trade" and "contested" among many ancient peoples, that means it was coveted and desireable. Lex Weiser said it was a "barren patch of desert" that nobody wanted anyway. Of course this is false, you will agree. And if it was contested over and occupied by many other peoples besides the current Palestinians, why should the Jews have it today? Why not the Syrians, who also lived there, or the German Christians who had a large presence in Jerusalem and the surroundings, or the current descendants of the Hittites (or were they exterminated by the Israelites?), or even the True Torah Jews who the current Zionist regime has persecuted and all but exterminated or chased off in a kind of religious cleansing? Hmm? Why Jews? Many others can lay a more legitimate claim to Palestine than the Jews. Even the Turks have a better claim than today's Zionist Jews. Case closed.
You speak of the many millions slaughtered in Islamic conquests, many of them in Europe (you don't speak of that). Just look at the Torah! How many did the Israelites slaughter at the command of their deranged demon god Yahweh? Judaic Jews celebrate these slaughters in their holy days. Purim, Passover, many others.
I resent your offer to pray for me, because it means you think my soul is lost and I am sinful and evil. Jesus said I am the Truth, among other things, so I follow the truth. My pursuit of truth has not led me into sin, but into liberation and freedom. May the truth set you free too.
I understand you find this inquiry into holocaust revision troubling. it was for me too at first. It can be disorienting to find out a deeply-held belief we've had for our whole lives is based on falsehood and even intentional lies. If this is your first encounter, it is common for your reaction to be severe as we see here. As you encounter it again--as surely you will in these times--the reaction will gradually diminish and eventually you may come to a full confrontation with the facts, and the lies and propaganda can fall away. It is a relief in the end, as I can attest.
I feel I have been remiss in not introducing The Occidental Observer to folks here. It is a professional scholarly journal and authors are paid to post essays, administered by Professor and author Kevin MacDonald. It is the most comprehensive and in-depth source I know for many of the topics we are discussing here (though not exactly on the topic of coalition-building as in the original essay by Lex). For instance:
On Jewish assimilation:
A Final Resolution of the Jewish Issue:
Latest interview with author of the iconic Culture of Critique, An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement In 20th Century Intellectual and Political Movements by Professor Kevin MacDonald.
One of mine, on Jewish ownership and operation of main media:
Lex, thank you for liking my essay on Taboo Truth "Vaxxed and Unvaxxed Now the Same!" That was originally posted on TOO under the title (changed by the editor) "Vaxxed and Unvaxxed Now on Equal Footing." It was re-posted on The Unz Review, which I expect you know to be a huge and growing platform. Unz regularly lifts from TOO.
For those struggling with the truth of historical narratives, I find this to be an excellent introduction to reasonable revision. The search results showed it was on Youtube, but it said "Video unavailable".
It is mirrored in many other sites, but its source is The Institute for Historical Review. Its director Mark Weber gives this speech, and I highly recommend listening for the 1 hour it takes to understand startling truths about history. Taboo truths!
The Greatest Story Never Told by Truth Will Out Films of Dennis Wise.
I feel I must address the thoughts expressed in this paragraph:
"I'm never going to agree with Karl, author of Taboo Truth, about National Socialism and some other rather fundamental ideological issues. I would never condone his revisionist views about the Holocaust, the Third Reich, or his theories that assert a malevolent influence of Jews on global events. I consider the premises of his “Jewish Issue” ideology abhorrent and dangerous."
It seems you have pre-decided you are not going to agree with me on certain topics. May I ask, on what basis? I invite you to read my essays on these topics first, and then decide what you will not agree on. It is essential I feel to study the material I have presented before agreeing or disagreeing.
I have studied the 800 page revisionist book The Forced War by Harvard PhD Historian David L Hoggan, and it is exclusively diplomatic history. It examines the true origins of the 2nd World War. The book Truth for Germany by the great German historian Udo Walendy, is an excellent companion work on the same topic. But these are advanced materials, and as an introduction I suggest the book The Myth of Germany Villainy by Benton Bradberry (deceased).
It may be asking much to read an entire book before passing judgement (I don't think so, but others may), so allow me to offer just one of many essays I have written on these topics. This is from my substack site Taboo Truth, and it was published in the print magazine The Barnes Review this past summer. This will require confronting the psycho-social taboo installed around the use of a certain name to overcome the aversion and actually read the essay. Please do your best to bypass the occlusion and read this short concise account of history.
Hitler Peace Maker
I don't see the cross-post on your site. Is it "Researchers Debate the Jewish Issue"?
I do see you post an essay on how to discuss reality with normies (a poor paraphrase, I don't recall the exact title). I too study this question of how to address people stuck in occluded indoctrination, and so I will try to apply it here.
A good place to start is the holocaust. What is your understanding of this historical event or process, and from what sources do you derive your understanding? I used to have the standard understanding from the standard sources, and then I was introduced to historical revisionism. This allowed me to study both sides of the debate and consider them each in comparison. Ron Unz appears to have done the same thing (he is Jewish), and so changed his understanding.
This is a difficult topic for many to revise, especially Jews it seems. Why? Why is it easier for you to revise your understanding of certain political, social, and cultural topics, but not certain historical ones? You defy the 'divide and conquer' program to the point of even posting my "anti-semitic" essay, which is your strong revision of prevailing views. So you are more than capable of revisionism. I admire that about you, and I agree with you: Coalitions in resistance to divide and conquer are essential. Can they even encompass devout Zionists and holocaust believers in with "anti-semites" and "holocaust deniers"? I prefer the term holocaust revisionist. Historical accuracy matters.
And I prefer the term counter-semite. The extent to which the "existing global power elite" as you term it is Jewish would motivate me to oppose it. Would you consider coalition with me given that some significant component of the global power elite is Jewish? Would you acknowledge it? You say it is "abhorrent and dangerous" of me to hold this view. I feel it is abhorrent and dangerous to avoid or obscure it. As I state in my essay on Taboo Truth "Not All Jews!," we have seen some Jews oppose and denounce the Jewish Power Elite in history, and some today. Those Jews think that the abhorrent and dangerous activities of the JPE puts other relatively innocent Jews at risk (I don't), and so take the responsibility to try and stop the JPE in its cruel and sadistic behavior.
You might consider this perspective. Rather than denounce and dismiss my views as "virulently anti-semitic," you might join the coalition against the JPE and the rest of the global power elite, as a way to help all other Jews and Gentiles as well.
Please consider that it has not been good for the health of the Jewish people to live under the terror of the holocaust story for 80 years now (the story began in 1942 with World Jewish Congress, OSS and MI5 war propaganda). Liberation from this terrorizing story would only be good for most Jews. Only the JPE really benefits from it.
Karl, I want to say first of all that I appreciate this dialogue. In an era of "safe spaces" and similar nonsense, I believe it is imperative that people with different ideologies be able to have rational conversations.
With that said, my knowledge of the Holocaust comes primarily from the lives experience of the 12 survivors whom I have personally met and spoke with. I am very familiar with Holocaust "revisionism," and a key tenet of it's research is to dismiss the loved experience and testimony of former concentration/death camp inmates.
Ask yourself this: based on the historical record, what happened during 2020-2022? Were millions of people killed, censored, locked up, and injected with potentially deadly medical products? Because according to the government's records, that never happened.
We have watched in real time as the authorities have scrubbed and memory-holed all evidence of their crimes against humanity. It's only because of internet video and screenshots that we still know what Fauci said (for example).
Well, the same thing happened with the Holocaust. Of course the camps didn't keep track of how many Jews they murdered. Who would do that?? They did keep records of their sadistic medical experiments though, and that alone is enough to invalidate any excuses made for the Nazi regime.
Re: the cross-post, I guess those just go to subscribers. I've cross-posted a number of things and none of them show up in my archive.
Thank you Lex, I'm reassured by your appreciation for dialogue and share it whole-heartedly. Always toward the possibility of coalition-building.
I am very interested in the details of the accounts given by the survivors you know. Did any of them claim to have seen smoke issuing from crematoria stacks? Did any of them say they saw bodies killed by hydrogen cyanide gas, and if so, what color were those bodies? Did any of them have knowledge of gas emitted from false shower heads? Did any of them have knowledge of Dr. Joseph Mengele himself directing Jews on railroad platforms to either the work camp or the death camp?
Because I have seen videos of Jewish "survivors" claiming these things, which later were proved to be scientific impossibilities and utter lies, for reasons we can explain. For instance, crematoria operated with thermal efficiency such that no smoke exited from their stacks, only clear exhaust heat. Bodies killed by hydrogen cyanide gas turn bright red, though no "survivor" has ever noted this (a striking detail, I'm sure you would agree). The gas cannot come down out of shower heads, because hydrogen cyanide gas is lighter than air, like helium, and cannot be directed downward from overhead. Etc.
I would not agree it is a "key tenet" of revisionists to dismiss testimony of inmates. It is one of their many approaches to question the eye-witness testimony, and examine it on logical, scientific, practical and technological/forensic grounds. Revisionist are willing accept the eye-witness testimony of prison "survivor" Paul Rassinier, who was a French Communist imprisoned at 3 different German prisons, including Auschwitz. Rassinier said he never say any evidence of mass gassings, for instance. It does appear to be a key tenet of holocaust promoters to protect the eye-witness testimony of "survivors" by shaming those who question them as cruel to innocent victims. I have seen too many videos of eye-witness holocaust promoters claim the most absurd impossible things to accept any of their testimony without scrutiny, and threats of shame should not deter us. Only historical truth matters.
May I ask, for what reason were these 12 "survivors" in German prisons? Were they members of the Communist Party, or working with communists? Had they broken any laws in National Socialist Germany, or participated in any way to support Germany's enemies during the war (these are known as Partisans)? Like most prisons, people were put into them for specific reasons, primarily because they broke some laws. During war this would include supporting the enemy or subverting or sabotaging the home nation's war effort. I would very much like to know the charges upon which the 12 were in prison.
A good question. Really, what happened in 2020-2022 was that millions of people were killed by lockdowns and toxic vaccines. But the official narrative blamed a fictitious disease. Likewise, millions of people died in WW2, civilians and military alike, from various factors, including some in German prisons, but the official narrative blamed evil Germans and their secret gassing program. In fact, what killed most prisoners was the hunger and malnourishment leading to disease such as typhus spread by lice, the malnourishment primarily due to Allied bombing of German infrastructure making challenges for production, processing and delivery of food to the prisons. So the comparison of apt. Strange too, since the disease was fake in 2020-22, but real in 1942-45 (the holocaust was said to have started only in 1942 with the world Jewish Congress working with OSS and MI5 to spin out anti-German war propaganda atrocity stories).
You ask who would keep track of how many died in the German prisons during the war (my paraphrase of your question)? One answer is, the German prison administration did They even kept track of the number of inmates they "murdered", or more accurately executed for repeated attempts to escape, inciting prison riots, assaulting and even killing guards, and a few other offenses. This number was rather small. The records of deaths and other medical information in the prisons is in certain archives, but sharing it with the public is suppressed. Another answer to the question of the death count is: The International Committee of the Red Cross. The ICRC had full access to the 18 major German prisons during the war, and for 2 years afterward. In its 1947 report, the ICRC presented its exact tally of deaths in the German prisons during the war and for 2 years afterwards: 271,301. Note this is not a guess or a round number, it is a precise count based on direct experience and assessment of records the ICRC itself kept during this time. Note as well that not nearly all of these deaths were Jews.
It does appear that the Germans were conducting medical experiments at the time. So were the US, Britain, the USSR, France, etc. Most of the test subjects were voluntary, and were offered concessions including shorter prison sentences if they participated. I have read about some few tests where subjects were compelled, probably because they were problem inmates who might have been executed anyway. One experiment involved submerging subjects in cold water and measuring the response, as a way to improve rescue of sailors and plane pilots when cast into cold ocean water during the war. I have heard at least one test subject died from this experiment. Stories of severing hands and re-attaching onto opposite arms, injecting the eyes with blue dye and the like are pure propaganda of a comic-book absurdity and must be rejected. Dr. Mengele was mainly engaged with measures to prevent the spread of typhus and other diseases which at times in outbreaks were decimating the prison population, including guards, and so reducing the German work force making supplies for the war effort. He may have overseen medical experiments as well.
The US government has conducted hideous experiments in trauma-based mind control known as MK Ultra, Phoenix program, and others. This too is said to have derived from evil "Nazi" experiments, but the sadistic doctor at the core of the MK Ultra program was a Jew. His name was Sydney Gottlieb, real name Schieder, an Eastern European Jew. Is this enough to invalidate any excuses made for the Judeo-Masonic regime? Today the Likud party government of Israel is conducting a mass medical experiment upon the Jewish-Israeli people with multiple injections of the unapproved experimental Pfizer covid vax, and high numbers of Israeli Jews are dying and being mangled for life because of it. Is this enough to invalidate any excuses made for the Likud regime? The Germans were trying to help people through medical experimentation, not harm them. Mengele succeeded in stopping typhus outbreaks and was recognized as such.
I truly would like you to answer my questions about the 12 survivors, if you would. This is crucial to know.
Karl, the only Holocaust survivors still alive were children during the early 1940s. Although many of the 12 that I've met and spoken with have since died, the oldest was 16 at the time he was imprisoned in Auschwitz. Therefore, the suggestion that they were guilty of some crime is ludicrous.
And yes, one of the survivors did meet and interact with Dr. Mengele, and saw him directing prisoners left or right as they came off the trains. The ones who went in one direction were imprisoned, and the others were never seen again.
Here's the thing ... People can't even agree on what's happening RIGHT NOW in the world, let alone the last two years, and certainly not what happened 80 years ago. If the COVID era has taught us anything, it's that the historical record can be twisted and distorted in infinite ways.
President Eisenhower, whatever his other faults may have been, anticipated that people would not believe the truth of the Holocaust, and ordered military combat camera crews to document the camps extensively. Whatever academic apologetics can be wrung from written records, the photographic evidence shows the truth.