Finally something my 14 year old grandkid is watching that's not cringy woke! Thanks for the review.

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Yes! Fun for the whole family. Gallows humor is a dying art. Pun intended.

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Last night I watched the first episode with my 12 year-old twin granddaughters while staying with them in Philadelphia, because I heard a positive review. I appreciate your take on this and everything else. As a psychologist, and former psychotherapist, I really appreciated the portrayal of the therapist and their relationship, which I expect will evolve. Most pretrials of therapists (except for In Treatment) are embarrassing and do a disservice to the profession (as do the behavioral scientists who participate in Covid propaganda which you write about). I expect a lot of character development through each relationship, already beginning in the first episode, like the roommate's authenticity and vulnerability that gives space for Wednesday.

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deletedNov 26, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser
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Just wait until they replace all the cashiers with self-service computer kiosks.

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