Could all just be one big MK Ultra experiment. To disassociate the trauma victims [us] from their current circumstances and then program a new personality [new normal] into us. The new norm where you will own nothing and be happy.

The justice you think you will get is similar to when an MK Ultra slave thinks they have escaped....but really the programming has been completed by the handler.

Could not find the specific link to MK Ultra I wanted, but here is an arguably more relevant one dealing with how scientific the process of mass manipulation shapes societies....and how the elitist were studying this from before WWI https://web.archive.org/web/20220531053954/https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/

> ...Mass media and propaganda are therefore tools that must be used by the elite to rule the public without physical coercion. One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda. It is Lippmann’s opinion that THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS NOT QUALIFIED TO REASON AND TO DECIDE ON IMPORTANT ISSUES. It is therefore important for the elite to decide “for its own good” and then sell those decisions to the masses..... [emphasis mine]

> “...The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. THOSE WHO MANIPULATE THIS UNSEEN MECHANISM OF SOCIETY constitute an invisible government which IS THE TRUE RULING POWER OF OUR COUNTRY..... [emphasis mine]

> ....Artists, creations, and ideas that do not fit the mainstream way of thinking are mercilessly rejected and forgotten by the conglomerates, which in turn makes them virtually disappear from society itself. However, ideas that are deemed to be valid and desirable to be accepted by society are skillfully marketed to the masses in order to make them become a self-evident norm.....

> These products contain carefully calculated messages and symbols which are nothing more and nothing less than entertaining propaganda. The public has been trained to LOVE its propaganda to the extent that it spends its [own] hard-earned money to be exposed to it.

> ....#2 replace the legitimate drive for autonomy and self-awareness [with] THE SAFE LAZINESS OF CONFORMISM AND PASSIVITY.... [emphasis mine]

Who says Satan doesn't have the tools to deceive the whole world?!?

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Wow, that pretty much says it all, doesn't it? I'll need to look into Lippman's work now.

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Walter Lippmann was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Edward Bernays, quoted above, was a consultant to CBS founder and CFR member William Paley. The CFR network has controlled the propaganda machinery ever since: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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Thanks for the info!

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Nov 20, 2022
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First of all, the Federal Reserve doesn't have nearly as much power as these theories claim it does. Yes, they ostensibly have authority over the money supply, but it is the POLITICIANS who create money out of thin air with their spending programs. Our national debt is $31 trillion. NONE of that debt was created by the Federal Reserve, it was created by politicians who decided to create bonds (government debt) out of thin air and then sell them (creating money).

Secondly, this whole idea of Zionist Jew bankers is nothing more than a diversion intended to distract people from the fact that our owners - the political and cultural elites who really make the decisions in this world - come from ALL backgrounds. Even in the banking world, the Rockefellers weren't Jewish, and neither were the Morgan & Stanley families. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citi Bank and many other banks were founded by gentiles, and in fact actively excluded Jews from working at them (which is one reason why Jews founded competing firms, such as Goldman Sachs).

In any case, do Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Arden, Justin Trudeau, the Biden family, and many other evil actors on the global stage today get a pass on being psychopathic agents of death because they happen to not be Jewish?

George Soros - a genuinely evil bastard who was born Jewish - has not only rejected his heritage, but donated to anti-Israel groups in an effort to undermine the Jewish state. The exact opposite of a Zionist.

Anyway, the whole "it's the Jews" narrative is just another method that the real powers-that-be use to keep people divided and suspicious of each other, and looking in the wrong direction. Look at the list of the World Economic Forum's "Strategic Partners." Sure, Goldman Sachs is on there, but the vast majority of those enties have nothing to do with Jews or (as in the case of George Soros' Open Society Foundation) do not support a Zionist agenda.

And, just to be clear, I am a proudly Zionist Jew, who is completely dedicated to fighting the evil that is spreading across out planet. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are your enemies, not me.

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They tried to coerce me. They caused me harm... Very, very minor in this time period. In another, fairly bad. I could write a letter saying I forgive them....

It's obscene I would say, Forgive and forget murdered children who were given deathvax without choice.

I don't have that power! I'm not in grave at age 10. I'm not gonna suffer bells palsy.

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Their actions were completely unconscionable. The people in charge are likely sociopaths and psychopaths, but for the ones who were "just following orders," I suspect that the only way they can live with themselves is to keep avoiding the truth. As long as they can lie to themselves, they can pretend they didn't do anything wrong.

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Limitless ability. Peace!

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Passive-aggressive "apologies" from any of these petty tyrants aren't worth spit. They must be stripped of the power to cause further harm. We should demand that the new Congress immediately:

* investigate fraud and collusion by Pfizer, Moderna, Gates, NIH, CDC, the media, etc

* revoke the "liability protection" from the vax makers

* revoke the "health emergency" powers from executive branch agencies

* revoke all compulsory vaccine requirements for schoolkids, nationwide

* prohibit any attempt to transfer authority to trans-national organizations

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That would be great, IF the election isn't stolen AND the new politicians aren't just as beholden to the biomedical state as the old ones.

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Let's hope that Sen. Ron Johnson is re-elected in Wisconsin. He's been all over this, gathering evidence and preparing for serious investigations if/when he becomes committee chairman: https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/subcommittees/investigations/about

See his interview with Del Bigtree: https://thehighwire.com/videos/sen-ron-johnson-pandemic-politics-americas-covid-cartel/

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Oh yes, I've been following his work. The only honest man in Washington (with the possible exception of Rand Paul).

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Note that Dr. Rand Paul is also on the same oversight committee, see link above. They could kick some ass with televised hearings if the Repubs get the Senate majority.

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That's excellent. He has certainly been digging Fauci this whole time, and as an MD, he can see through a lot of their jargon bullshit.

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All being equal. If people start dying in mass from the jab you will then have your retribution. It seems that has started but I’m still skeptical. I for one don’t want to see my family, most importantly my wife, die from this.

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I agree 100%. Retribution is not justice, and even less so when innocent people who were defrauded and deceived become collateral damage.

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Thank you and shared.

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Thanks for reading and sharing, and for the additional info about Fuellmich!

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Preach brother 🙌✨

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Thanks, Terre. I kinda hope I'm wrong about this, but the entire "club" went all-in on Covid, so they can't even throw each other under the bus. I don't see any nice way out.

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You are not wrong; there are A LOT of guilty parties which makes it all the more unlikely there will not be justice on a massive scale; hence the anger you mention, which I experience most days. So I get the point Emily Oster was trying to make about letting some of it go in order to move on with more constructive living. In the spirit of that, maybe we can forgive the friend or family member who told us we were "selfish" for not getting the jab. But in NO way, not in this life should we EVER just grant "amnesty" to authorities and officials who "in the face of deep uncertainty" (Emily's words) should have acted with honesty and humility. Instead, they blindly followed the narrative, dictated harmful policy, trounced on individual rights, and caused widespread damage that MUST be punished. I agree there will be no nice way out.

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The scale of wrongdoing is so massive that it involves the majority of people. It’s a crime that’s impossible to prosecute

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That's my fear. What happens when millions of people realize that they've been harmed, and that there's no way to get justice?

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I think most people will never realise that they have been harmed by design, killed on purpose with malicious intent. Most people can not accept evil exists in such overt ways. You know the old story about the devils greatest trick

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I truly wonder about this. I suspect that there will be a tipping point when the majority suddenly realize the truth.

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I hope you are right

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