Thank you for highlighting this - like others I had never heard of her before.

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deletedOct 10, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser
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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Neither had I. It's like Stalin removing people from photos. These days, the information itself cannot be completely erased, but it's been very difficult to get people interested enough to pay attention to it. The censorship isn't so much the problem now - it's the self-censorship by the public that's become imbedded into our modern culture.

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deletedOct 10, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser
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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Author

Totally agree with both of you. It's interesting to me that she served under both Obama and Trump, so it's not like anyone can accuse her of being a MAGA mouthpiece. Since they couldn't attack her credentials or her politics, they simply memory-holed her.

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