Agreed...and it's already starting. I hear lots of regret from many of my clients about taking the jab. Most did it for work or travel...and most didn't have a particularly strong opinion about it.

I've started hearing mentions and mumblings of how many friends have lost husbands, and there have been children lost as well. The community concern is trending upward. I hear regret in their voices. And also fear.

When the shock wears off, I think you are absolutely correct. It's not going to be pleasant.

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Indeed. To be fair, I think there will be a fair amount of resentment directed against those of us who managed to avoid the jab. We need to be prepared for that. Anger, once kindled, can quickly burn out of control.

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Yes, and likely unavoidable. I've found that it's best to say nothing once you've clearly won an argument, to avoid providing the spark for a resentment blaze. In this case, silence will only allow history to be rewritten and then repeated, so it's not really an option. The persisting hypnosis is so profound...it's necessary to continue to speak. And speak loudly. Which I imagine can, and will easily be misconstrued and then labeled as shaming, triggering, violent.

A nod to Desmet...free floating anxiety of any kind including (and probably especially) unresolved anger with no tangible target, is easily pointed, provoked, and intensified. We've already seen this first hand...

All this to say, I think you're spot-on.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Good point. I’m going to try and be aware of that. This whole thing is so evil it gets us “coming and going”. Also the grief and sadness of the losses we may experience in the future even if we resisted.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Very good... I just know co workers are going to be insanely jealous... How did I know. (How did you not know)/.

Add to that jealousy over my good looks, personality, smarts... its gonna be a dark winter for ne😎😎😎.

Btw, Faith supply chain... I'm stocking up.

On big fat tootsie rolls.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

So stinkin' good Lex. Well thought out.

I'm going to try and "recruit" some folks over here.

They need to hear your message.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022Author

Many thanks, Ryan! Watching our lived experience from the last three years vanish into the memory hole is a strange feeling.

I went back through my Twitter timeline today, because I knew that I had noted many of these things at the time they happened, and hoped to find some useful links. Instead, I found that many of the links are dead and the users I'd retweeted were removed. They are burning the "paper trail" as fast as they can, and I believe it's because they are which way the wind is blowing.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

That's why I print everything out. Started out early on because my eyes are going bad (normal aging process), but then I saw all the censorship and the fact you can't prove a negative and decided it was prudent to do so.

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Smart! Even screenshots. The ubiquitous red CNN covid death screens ... Can't find shots of those anywhere now.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

I have so many screen shots sitting in front of my tv, on my lazy-boy, that I think I need to put them on an external hard drive.

Between us all we have the receipts.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

😅 just had to move 32,000 screenshots to my memory card yesterday. and it's by no means the 1st time. I prepared and showed studies/ govt figures to my workplace a few times. I save links and articles to home screen too, but i do screenshot a LOT, I'm sure we all do. This article is fantastic, one of my favourite ever 🙏 🔥🔥🔥

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I'm very glad you enjoyed the article. You had more foresight than me ... It didn't occur to me to get screenshots until they started erasing everything they'd done.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Nailed it.

Nailed exactly how we feel.

Thanks for writing this out in perfect words in perfect order !

We need this truthful clarity when navigating through the present day dystopian world.

You are speaking for so many of us who don’t have your gift.

So happy to have chanced upon your overview.

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Thank you so much for the kind words! I saw many writers responding to Emily Oster's piece, and thought it might be helpful to take a different perspective. I appreciate you taking the time to read it.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

The vaxxxed are going to go ballistic


And another

Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated


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That's a great point. When they finally are forced to realize that they've poisoned themselves and their children, shit is going to get real.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

you're that alice! the inspiration for "alice in wonderland" !!! what a great name- i was so happy to see the name i just had to cheer.

excellent comment and links too- thank you!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

If I could give this article a million likes, I would! While I was reading it I kept shouting, “Yes! Yes!”

You made so many great points, but this section was one of my favorites,

“they were able to establish the illusion of absolute global consensus. By creating the fictional demon of “misinformation,”

God has given you a gift. Keep using it to speak the truth. Many did not want to listen to reason over the past 3 years, but now the “Conspiracy theories” have landed on their doorsteps. They can no longer deny the evidence, since it is directly affecting them and their families. They need, we all need, people like you.

I pray that God greatly blesses your work and that the truth continues to spread.

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Thank you so much for the kind words. Your encouragement means a lot to me. I do feel like my purpose in this world is to be a messenger, and to tell the truth to the best of my ability. The fact that it is resonating with readers like you makes me feel like I'm on the right track!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

This writing is like a nuke... reminded me of the literature that has shaped me and has been constantly on my mind these last years.. created to REMIND us, to WARN us, to SHOW us- those great, great writers, of 1984, The Road to Wigan Pier, Lord of the Flies, The Crucible, Brave New World...and so many more.

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I'm flattered by the high praise, and grateful for your encouragement!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

tbh I read 59 writers on substack many of whom are excellent, and this was a real stand out for me. clarity

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Brilliant. Let it rip, not RIP..

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Actually, this is likely all planned. To ensure a large enough portion of the masses will be angry enough to incite riots. Which would then trigger [more] military intervention and facilitate the civil war that movies like V for Vendetta have been predictively preparing us for some time. And then Ordo Ab Chao for CBDCs and/or concentrated city camps.

And always take screenshots or screen video of any important documents/tweets/etc. Especially now that the censorship is so blatant.

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Today's word is "Backlash," brought to you by the letters W, E, and F, and the number 19.

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Damn, you're smarter than me😎😎😎😎

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Dr. Erickson... Early hero!!!! Asked reasonable questions... Banned!

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Contact info. Murdering bitch

I wrote her last nite she advocated coercion of deathvax, needed Nuremberg trial, and if convicted, the rope.

Will call her Mon am...

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Please be careful. Speech is considered violence these days.

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Someone else smart said this...

Even if you put in after legal process if trial?

Agree, musy be careful. Gr analysis in work

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Bring it on. I'm ready.

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