Jan 1, 2023Liked by Lex Weiser

democrats also did better in certain swing states because of election fraud.

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Pennsylvania cheated.

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I forwarded your original comment so you should have my email address.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Lex Weiser

These numbers are only significant if you believe the official "vote-counts".

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Correct. I stated that up front.

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Living in this Dystopia is set to get much worse.

What you will see in the coming year is a breakdown in supply chains as The Power Elite of The United States seeks to break every international arrangement and material flows as it suits them to retain their now lost position of dominance. The Macroeconomic View.

How this plays out domestically - the Microeconomic View - will be erratic and uneven and would seem unpredictable.

Domestic food and energy costs will become very difficult at the US dollar, the defacto world reserve currency, loses out to the Renminbi and Rouble, along with foreign countries avoiding transactions via the US dollar.

This will be examined in greater depth in my forthcoming Substack essay and is touched on in prior Substack essays.

For many in The West, the cost of living will become impossible.


Few would have missed the hundreds of billions of dollars directed to The War Machine, primarily for The Ukraine, but hardly that if one does not disregard the many other military adventures the US Government is committed to.

Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative . . . https://les7eb.substack.com


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Are you familiar with Martin Armstrong? He has published similar forecasts. Definitely a bumpy road ahead.

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Yes and Yes . . .

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Reality...It's all a CHARADE. The UNIPARTY WON HANDS DOWN BY HOOK AND CROOK. Govt. behaves as a 'wife-beater' on one side and the 'beaten wife' on the other; sick, TWISTED, co-dependent and symbiotic. 'WE THE PEOPLE' they FORCE TO PAY.

ALL ARE OWNED BY THE ROTHSCHILDS AND THE OLD MONARCHS STILL REMAINING with the Rockefellers, and all the Illuminati, Skull and Bones Minions, Freemasons...And, all the little secret society 'Numb Skulls' RE-DEFINING ALL NAZIS across the world today.

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It's possible that Dem voters just didn't like the candidates on offer this time (Newsom, Hochul) so they didn't turn out to vote, as you suggested. That doesn't imply there has been a radical shift in the voter base.

Voter attitudes are still overwhelmingly prog/lib in the major urban centers, and somewhat more conservative in less-populated areas. The current model favors the urbanites, and a radical restructuring would be required to change that.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Lex Weiser

Does it favor the urban areas? I thought the system gave quite good rep to rural populations (by not keeping strictly to the popular vote).

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Voter counting against the time axis exhibits asymptotic behaviour and tapers out to an upper limit.

Data curves exhibit jitter but only on the +ve side - ie: the jitter does not commutate.

It is impossible for mid-voting curves to exhibit a significant upward inflexion or a near vertical change and one that overtakes the other candidate's short of voter fraud.

This came about by the maneuver of mail in votes and suspension of voting for some hours.

Is it thus possible to actually know who wins in US Presidential elections, taken with all other maneuvers to manipulate the voting? Probably not.

Few are skilled in higher Mathematics and the disdain many have for Mathematics they wear as a badge of honour.

Well understood by the far more clever types - Mathematicians who are utlilized to manipulate voting outcomes and voter thinking.

As Bertrand Russell observed about 100 years ago, the people get the leadership they deserve.

That they have.


Can be seen as a general Decline of The West.

Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative . . . https://les7eb.substack.com


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Democrats abolished the voting system just in time then (2020).

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