"By 1976, WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine which causes the pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. Expected results are abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated...
WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries”... [In Kenya] tested samples from vials of the WHO "tetanus vaccine" being used in March 2014 found hCG where none should be present."
"Similar 'tetanus vaccines' laced with hCG have been uncovered in Mexico, the Philippines, and Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, and the Rockefeller Foundation..."
The Population Council was founded in 1952 by CFR members John D. Rockefeller III, John F. Dulles, and Frederick Osborn, president of the American Eugenics Society. The Population Council obtained the patents and won FDA approval to market the abortion drug mifepristone (RU-486) in the US during the Clinton admin.
They tell each other what they plan to do, and expect the rest of us to remain ignorant. They didn't tell thousands of women in Kenya, Philippines, etc that the adulterated "tentanus vaccine" was intended to result in their sterility.
Your Stargate example is a great metaphor: A depraved group of self-chosen autocrats set themselves up as gods (see Harari's book "Homo Deus"), willfully murdering millions of "useless eaters" while pretending to care about their well-being and "saving the planet" -- for themselves. The self-serving propaganda from outfits like the WEF and UNDP with their "sustainable development goals" is especially nauseating.
The Gates/WEF "Event 201" exercise in 2019 was the script for what followed, including the lockdowns and propaganda, but how many were paying attention? First they killed tens of thousands in "care homes" and hospitals, providing financial incentives to do so, creating a panic. They enforced drastic lockdowns that disrupted the economy, social life, education, etc. They pushed the novel "covid vaccine" as the only solution, with the false claim it was "safe and effective". They used a coercive passport scheme to ensure compliance.
They knew from the data, but never told the public, that the vax wouldn't prevent infection or transmission. They also knew that it would cause heart damage, miscarriage, cancer, auto-immunity, infertility, and premature deaths of millions, but proceeded with it anyway. Now they want us to forget all that, and just "move on" with the program.
I think the key to what you said is the idea of "remaining ignorant." I and many others (with vastly greater audiences than me), were screaming about the WEF, the vax passports, the digital currency, and all the rest of it from the beginning of 2020. But, as long as the mainstream media remains committed to serving as a tool of propaganda, the mainstream will remain WILLFULLY ignorant. It's just too difficult for most people to consider the possibility that they've been lied to and betrayed by every institution and person that they thought they could trust. People will do a LOT to avoid that kind of cognitive pain.
Sad but true. The people perish for lack of knowledge -- by design. Corporate media was captured and consolidated by the CFR network decades ago. See chart: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/
I'm glad you like it. Your comment about predictive fiction on an earlier post gave me the idea of looking more into fictional stories that reflect our current reality.
I would not classify it as such. The idea of predictive programming is to make far-fetched ideas more palatable to the general public, not to present those ideas in a horrifying light that would serve more as a caution or warning.
I would look more at things like biometric identification, mass surveillance, and eating bugs, which are often presented as normal parts of "the future."
I once read an explanation of Predictive Programming where it was said that the purpose is not merely to pre-acquaint us with previously unheard-of events. But also, more importantly, to show us one possible (ie the desired) reaction to it.
This is because if confronted with an exceptional event where we do not have preexisting models for appropriate behavior for dealing with the situation: then we would possibly choose a totally appropriate, but undesired, way of reacting. So that this does not happen, we are shown one desired reacting/coping pattern, and this fact narrows down our imagination that would otherwise offer us a much wider available range of possible behaviors to choose from.
Great point! That idea of modelling a desirable response is key, and I think it's what separates predictive programming from dystopian fiction in general, as well as things (e.g., Simpsons episodes) that just happened to accidentally make correct predictions.
Dear Lex, I'm an American living in northern Italy. I recently started reading your articles and appreciate your insightful writings. I gave this one to my husband, who writes on an Italian blog called Mittdolcino.com Sometimes he writes his own articles, sometimes translating from others (always giving credit). He translated your article above it and it now has nearly 5,000 views. You're very popular here!
Toh! Vent’anni fa la serie TV “Stargate” spiegava come si può attuare un programma di spopolamento usando dei “vaccini”. Di Lex Weiser
I want to clarify, "Di" means "By" (author in this case). It makes more sense if you can see the article on the site, because "by RobertoX" means translated by. If you look up the link on your phone, it will translate the article into English.
Wow, I'm flattered! Thanks for letting me know. Do you think that's because Stargate is popular in Italy, or because Italians are concerned about the use of vaccines as a weapon?
It's not that Stargate is popular in Italy. They are now starting to understand that there is something wrong with the "narrative". But they aren't yet at the point to accept that there is a depopulation agenda happening using the vaccines. Thus, your article is like Jesus's parables, it's able to make people understand reality without being too direct.
Outstanding. That's part of why I like science fiction as a genre. It allows for indirect discussion of difficult topics in a way that makes them more accessible.
Here is one more, just PP for the current times where technology made everyone soft and in a total state of technocratic surveillance, gender blurring, social distancing, et. al., (not all is covid specific) Demolition Man (1993):
Oh yes, Demolition Man. I actually bought it on Amazon and made my kids watch it back in 2020 so they'd understand how current reality was considered laughable in the '90s. That's a good writeup though. I forgot that the dictator was a doctor.
Wait until you watch Designated Survivor. One part predicted a virus that can target specific ethnic groups. The whole series is about continuity of gov't following an attack during a State of the Union address or some other event where majority of Executive and Legislative branches are gathered in 1 place.
Very scary that we live in times where sci fi is now reality.
"By 1976, WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine which causes the pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. Expected results are abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated...
WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries”... [In Kenya] tested samples from vials of the WHO "tetanus vaccine" being used in March 2014 found hCG where none should be present."
"Similar 'tetanus vaccines' laced with hCG have been uncovered in Mexico, the Philippines, and Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, and the Rockefeller Foundation..."
The Population Council was founded in 1952 by CFR members John D. Rockefeller III, John F. Dulles, and Frederick Osborn, president of the American Eugenics Society. The Population Council obtained the patents and won FDA approval to market the abortion drug mifepristone (RU-486) in the US during the Clinton admin.
UPDATE: See this detailed history of "population control" projects, sponsored largely by the Rockefeller/CFR/UN network over the past century, including the use of "vaccines": https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-complete-history-of-depopulation?s=w&sort=new
They even have a name for it: "immunocontraception."
They tell us exactly what they plan to do, then they do it. But if we point this out, we're considered crackpots.
They tell each other what they plan to do, and expect the rest of us to remain ignorant. They didn't tell thousands of women in Kenya, Philippines, etc that the adulterated "tentanus vaccine" was intended to result in their sterility.
Your Stargate example is a great metaphor: A depraved group of self-chosen autocrats set themselves up as gods (see Harari's book "Homo Deus"), willfully murdering millions of "useless eaters" while pretending to care about their well-being and "saving the planet" -- for themselves. The self-serving propaganda from outfits like the WEF and UNDP with their "sustainable development goals" is especially nauseating.
The Gates/WEF "Event 201" exercise in 2019 was the script for what followed, including the lockdowns and propaganda, but how many were paying attention? First they killed tens of thousands in "care homes" and hospitals, providing financial incentives to do so, creating a panic. They enforced drastic lockdowns that disrupted the economy, social life, education, etc. They pushed the novel "covid vaccine" as the only solution, with the false claim it was "safe and effective". They used a coercive passport scheme to ensure compliance.
They knew from the data, but never told the public, that the vax wouldn't prevent infection or transmission. They also knew that it would cause heart damage, miscarriage, cancer, auto-immunity, infertility, and premature deaths of millions, but proceeded with it anyway. Now they want us to forget all that, and just "move on" with the program.
I think the key to what you said is the idea of "remaining ignorant." I and many others (with vastly greater audiences than me), were screaming about the WEF, the vax passports, the digital currency, and all the rest of it from the beginning of 2020. But, as long as the mainstream media remains committed to serving as a tool of propaganda, the mainstream will remain WILLFULLY ignorant. It's just too difficult for most people to consider the possibility that they've been lied to and betrayed by every institution and person that they thought they could trust. People will do a LOT to avoid that kind of cognitive pain.
Sad but true. The people perish for lack of knowledge -- by design. Corporate media was captured and consolidated by the CFR network decades ago. See chart: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/
CFR usual suspects.
Wow. Fitting to read this on the day the US is performing the UniParty red/blue ritual.
I'm glad you like it. Your comment about predictive fiction on an earlier post gave me the idea of looking more into fictional stories that reflect our current reality.
It's worth studying Contagion from 2012. Much is exactly as 2020.
Is that predictive programming?
I would not classify it as such. The idea of predictive programming is to make far-fetched ideas more palatable to the general public, not to present those ideas in a horrifying light that would serve more as a caution or warning.
I would look more at things like biometric identification, mass surveillance, and eating bugs, which are often presented as normal parts of "the future."
I call it Depictive Programming. They show us a depiction of what they have planned and then implement it.
I once read an explanation of Predictive Programming where it was said that the purpose is not merely to pre-acquaint us with previously unheard-of events. But also, more importantly, to show us one possible (ie the desired) reaction to it.
This is because if confronted with an exceptional event where we do not have preexisting models for appropriate behavior for dealing with the situation: then we would possibly choose a totally appropriate, but undesired, way of reacting. So that this does not happen, we are shown one desired reacting/coping pattern, and this fact narrows down our imagination that would otherwise offer us a much wider available range of possible behaviors to choose from.
Great point! That idea of modelling a desirable response is key, and I think it's what separates predictive programming from dystopian fiction in general, as well as things (e.g., Simpsons episodes) that just happened to accidentally make correct predictions.
Dear Lex, I'm an American living in northern Italy. I recently started reading your articles and appreciate your insightful writings. I gave this one to my husband, who writes on an Italian blog called Mittdolcino.com Sometimes he writes his own articles, sometimes translating from others (always giving credit). He translated your article above it and it now has nearly 5,000 views. You're very popular here!
Toh! Vent’anni fa la serie TV “Stargate” spiegava come si può attuare un programma di spopolamento usando dei “vaccini”. Di Lex Weiser
by RobertoX 14 Novembre 2022
4.9k - (this is the number of views)
you can find the article here:
I want to clarify, "Di" means "By" (author in this case). It makes more sense if you can see the article on the site, because "by RobertoX" means translated by. If you look up the link on your phone, it will translate the article into English.
Wow, I'm flattered! Thanks for letting me know. Do you think that's because Stargate is popular in Italy, or because Italians are concerned about the use of vaccines as a weapon?
It's not that Stargate is popular in Italy. They are now starting to understand that there is something wrong with the "narrative". But they aren't yet at the point to accept that there is a depopulation agenda happening using the vaccines. Thus, your article is like Jesus's parables, it's able to make people understand reality without being too direct.
Outstanding. That's part of why I like science fiction as a genre. It allows for indirect discussion of difficult topics in a way that makes them more accessible.
Here is one more, just PP for the current times where technology made everyone soft and in a total state of technocratic surveillance, gender blurring, social distancing, et. al., (not all is covid specific) Demolition Man (1993):
https://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/how-the-1993-movie-demolition-man-accurately-predicted-what-is-happening-now/ [backup https://archive.is/pZHWx ]
Oh yes, Demolition Man. I actually bought it on Amazon and made my kids watch it back in 2020 so they'd understand how current reality was considered laughable in the '90s. That's a good writeup though. I forgot that the dictator was a doctor.
Wait until you watch Designated Survivor. One part predicted a virus that can target specific ethnic groups. The whole series is about continuity of gov't following an attack during a State of the Union address or some other event where majority of Executive and Legislative branches are gathered in 1 place.
edit: here is a link to a "Tabloid" article with some Covid PP from season 3 : https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/11262966/designated-survivor-fans-freak-out-show-predicted-coronavirus-pandemic-episode-three-years-ago/ (backup https://archive.is/3QiQz )
In the same article, they also mentioned this Korean show "Secret Terrius" that has some PP: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/11259966/netflix-secret-terrius-predicted-coronavirus-2-years-ago/ (backup: https://archive.is/zzl3m )
But wait, there's less.
The "Spanish Flu" of 1918 is another fake, and not 20 million died, not one died of "Spanish Flu". Just like Covid.
Wow- fiction as strange as truth? I am going to binge watch some Stargate! Loved that show when it was on.
I'm offended that you think Stargate is corny. 😄
I'll give you "Babylon A.D," but don't mess with "Andromeda." 😂
Sorbo is Legend AF these days.
Hell yeah, he is! One of the tiny cadre of Hollywood stars that was willing to compromise his career instead of his principles.