Thanks Lex, “ From here on, we need to understand that the Lost are not lost because they don’t know where to go, they’re lost because it’s too painful for them to find their way.”
I have also been concerned about the possible suppression of critical thought due to painful feelings of regret, guilt, anxiety, if the truth is confronted. Having a vaccine injury or being forced by a mandate can make awareness more likely. We will need to assume that there are sufficient numbers of aware individuals to oppose malevolent agendas and take action. Those who know at an unconscious level may not be active supporters but could be fence sitters and inactive. Admissions of regret by some may help others acknowledge their painful feelings. More public statements of understanding could help “ We understand how painful it is for people to become aware that they may have harmed their bodies by accepting the injection. “ It is also possible that there is an aspect of lottery - not all vials are the same. “Perhaps you were lucky and received a less toxic dose. “ The fact that the uptake of boosters is lessening, is a sign that awareness is growing.
"Having a vaccine injury or being forced by a mandate can make awareness more likely."
My BIL is jab injured. I don't think he's going to take any more jabs, but will NOT talk about it. At all. His wife acknowledges he is jab injured, but will keep taking boosters if her doctor recommends them. Both are over 70; she has a masters degree. I have little hope they will come around.
Thank you for the insight, Dr. Prager, and Shibumi for sharing the personal experience. This is a critical conversation to start having. The examples of potential messaging (acknowledgement of pain, giving hope through lottery analogy) are intriguing.
A LOT of work went into modifying public behavior, and different campaigns were extensively tested. Ultimately, the "stay home/take the jab or you'll kill grandma" idea wound up being the most successful at achieving compliance, since it capitalized on altruism and exploited guilt. Probably something associated with protecting children would be effective in reverse, but we need some kind of solution. We can't just say "you may have sterilized or otherwise permanently harmed your kids," we need to be able to suggest some course of action to reverse or mitigate the damage.
To the best of my knowledge, we do not yet have consensus from Team Reality physicians on how to address the mRNA jab harm, nor if it's even possible to fully repair it.
Prominently said, Lex. "The bodies of the vaxxed have been poisoned, but so have their minds. The jabs didn’t just ensure that people will die. It ensured they would die without listening. " I see that they can only reject (or ignore) the truth for so long before death is staring them right in the face.
> they’re lost because it’s too painful for them to find their way.
Brilliant analysis. The jabbed have been initiated into a club whose membership cannot be revoked. Visiting "Jabs Bad Island" requires climbing a mountain of cognitive dissonance.
I think it's going to be very hard to reach people with a fatalistic message like "you need to admit you sterilized your kids." They've been backed into a corner, and that means they are likely to lash out. We have to be able to provide some kind of hope or at least a way forward. I know that our Team Reality scientists are testing different methods of mitigating the mRNA harm. Being able to make helpful suggestions to those who are vax injured would be ideal.
Agreed, "Sorry you'll never be a grandparent" is harsh. I'm somehow able to consider speaking out to strangers. But family and friends, who've already been jabbed? It feels impossible. I guess it's time to be supportive in a palliative role now.
Just had a similar interchange with Terre here in these comments. It's easier to have compassion for people we don't know than for the ones whose blind fear and mindless obedience actually hurt us.
Thank you for this comment. Like you, I've been beating myself up for not saying something. I can't forget the elderly woman, the college student, or the 2 masked mothers sitting with their young, masked children waiting for their poison shots at the supermarket.
How does one approach strangers in this situation? How do you even begin to engage someone who's concept of reality is so completely different from your own?
"The jabbed have been initiated into a club whose membership cannot be revoked."
Do we know this for sure? Are we 110% certain there isn't a cure for the mRNA spike proteins?
I think there are things you can do to mitigate their effects, and there actually might be a cure for them. But... it seems to me that Our Betters want us D E A D, so they're not interested in finding a cure.
Well ya know what? I have increasingly less pity and compassion for the non-thinking “Lost”. Maybe you’re right that it’s too painful for them to find their way back but what about the pain endured on a daily basis by the rest of us that employed countless hours to use our rational minds to resist all this bs?
I’m in pain daily because we were denied a proper funeral for a very important loved one in our family.
I’m angry over the opportunity cost of 3 lost years that i had to dedicate to constantly reinventing my small business in order to simply survive. Three lost years of no travel, lost ‘friendships’, being marginalized by my own country, and having to make a side gig out of wading thru news so i could discern what was true and know how to protect my family.
And i’m so saddened and angry by the state of the world and the nonsense they they are still trying to push on us.
So screw the Lost ones that made poor choices! I think they need to feel even more pain for them ever to have a chance to wake up. We need to be done making excuses for them.
You have every right to feel angry. It's easier for me to have sympathy for the masses that I think of as "lost" than for the actual people I know who let fear and blind obedience override their humanity - the ones who self-righteously defended discrimination and coercion while rejecting basic decency and reason.
As far as I know, every religion and wisdom tradition demands repentance as a prerequisite for forgiveness. With the notable exceptions of Tim Robbins and a Canadian parliamentarian, I haven't heard any public figures actually say "I'm sorry." That makes it very difficult to to move on.
With that said, the Dalai Lama advised that "compassion is the antidote to anger." Only recently have I started to feel like I'm ready to try that, and to start mending bridges. You decide what's right for you, in your own time.
Thank you for those words. They are very comforting in this crazy time we are living in. You’re right on all accounts. I’m very empathetic and right now i just feel the hurt of the world. Hopefully in time i’ll be able to come around whether or not those responsible acknowledge their wrongdoing.
I understand where you're at TerrreP. My industry was destroyed by C0VID, and after struggling for three years working freelance, I had to stop working with my last longtime client because they tried to cheat me out of money. I've been job hunting for .almost three years now, and it turns out I'm too old to do anything but work at Walmart or Amazon. Plus... I'm in a new state and the isolation has made it hard to make friends. So yeah, I understand your anger. I've had it too.
But... we need most of those people who are lost. They are our dentists, our furnace repair people, the nuclear technicians at the power plant and so on. And they did what they did out of fear. Were they stupid? IMHO, yes. Does that mean they should suffer and die prematurely? I don't think so. For me, the solution it to try to point those who might listen in the right direction-- no more injections, and vitamins to do vaxx damage repair. As for the rest, there is nothing I can do. Nothing.
You're right also, we do need those people because ultimately the war is not with them. And yes, some are just stupid (lol). Some will never understand the big picture and may always suffer from Stockholm syndrome as they defend the narrative --even to their own detriment -- that their subjugators drummed into their heads. Like I said to Lex, I'm hopeful to eventually come around and again be a strong, positive force.
As for your situation, maybe it's time for a little reinvention. You are never too old! That's only a state of mind. What have you always been passionate about trying or doing? Maybe now is the time. And perhaps if you just follow those leads and start taking small daily actions, you'll find new like-minded friends to hang with. Best wishes :)
I have thought this exact thing about the lost for awhile now. I often wondered why even those close to me (i.e. siblings, grandparents, in-laws) refused to listen to hard facts and data. I soon realized it is because they’ve already done it -- succumbed to the deathvax. They are interiorly terrified and are in an intense self-preservation mode. They simply cannot admit to themselves that they have willingly injured themselves AND that they may die suddenly at some point.
You would have to pretend it isn't true, or at a minimum that it isn't that bad. I certainly hope that the vast majority of people will be okay, but the uncertainty makes it very hard to communicate any kind of meaningful message.
I've tried to talk to a small number of the jabbed about what's happening. It goes like this:
ME: "You know there are some people that have had health problems after their C0VID shots"
JABBED: "Yes, I've heard that."
ME: "If you're concerned about your health, there are vitamins you can take that might help."
JABBED: [emphatically] "Oh, I don't need anything. I'm fine. I'M FINE."
That being said, I have sent three people--two friends and one random person-- to Dr. Zelenkos Zstack site for his vaxx repair vitamins. The one thing I have found is that the people who are vaxxed that are open to listening were either forced to take it, or were never really fully vested on Team Vaxx. FWIW, the three people I've (hopefully) been able to help were all conservative. The most passionate Team Vaxx tend to be liberals over 70.
I haven’t tried talking about vitamins yet. I guess I should. My first tactic has always been getting them to acknowledge the data about what these things are causing. Then I would talk about remedy. So far, no one I’ve talked to about the deaths and injuries are willing to admit they are NOT “very rare.”
The whole "not very rare" thing might be too much for them to psychologically handle right now. That's why I do the very bland "some people have had issues" talk. I've also said that "it's had an impact on the immune system of some people."
To be honest, it's all hit and miss. Generally, conservatives are more likely to be open to the message than liberals, and younger people are more open than those that are older.
These people are brainwashed. As in "I'm in a death cult" brainwashed. They didn't particularly ask for it; their general behaviors made them vulnerable to it. I do feel sorry for many of them.
I see two main problems, neither of which is easily fixed:
1. People generally are locked into which voices and media channels they listen to and believe. When a voice outside their preferences says something that might change their minds, it's not that they won't listen; it's that they don't even hear it. My wife was sending her son articles on the vaccine (and other Covid topics) that contradicted what he had read. His reaction was: "Mom, I can't even find these articles online." In other words, he dismissed their veracity because his Google search blocked him from seeing them.
2. People have become so lazy that they don't want to do the work to inform themselves -- even when it comes to their own health.
I'm at the point where I don't even want to engage with "the believers." If they are too lazy to help themselves and will just mock me for trying to help them, I'll just take care of myself and leave them alone.
I tried to talk to my SIL early on about the FLCC protocols. She quickly looked them up on google and said they were right wing nut jobs.
As for intellectually lazy... yep. In late 2020, before the jabs, the FDA had up a page of potential side effects from the mRNA jabs. It has since been disappeared, but was also in a slide presentation. That was enough for me to say no.
That being said... it was not hard to do that simple search. But people would not do it.
So...wait...was your wife sending her son printed articles or links? If links, was it that the links themselves didn’t work when he tried them? Or was it that when he typed in the source link from the printed article, it wouldn’t come up?
I would have to ask her again, but I think he was trying to find out about the source of an article (the author, publishing site, etc.) to investigate the trustworthiness of the source. When he did a search using his search engine he said he couldn't find it.
This is very typical for many people (particularly millennials). They tend not to read anything that is from an "unapproved" source because it has been classified as misinformation by someone else, instead of reading it and deciding for themselves. They believe fact checkers are unbiased -- "that has been debunked by fact checkers" is something they say a lot.
Yes...we have millennials and the younger Gen-Z in our brood. I’m all too familiar with the way they think. The younger ones, though almost grown, tend to at least give things like this coming from us some thought.
This does explain the weird awkward silence around the vax that I notice nearly everyday in my work and social circles. No one is advocating for the vax anymore but also not acknowledging the harms. Just staying silent and hoping it all just fades away into memory.
It's like a dysfunctional family where everyone knows that dad abused them, but the whole family pretends it didn't happen so they don't have to acknowledge how it's affected them.
I read it and agree with the doctor. I didn't share it, however. Reason 1: translations from Japanese are suspect to anyone who doesn't want to hear the message in the first place. Reason 2: I don't know anyone who isn't already convinced of what he said who will listen even if they trusted the translation.
I don't know which to be more frightened of...the jab or the fact that the jabbed cannot face the music sufficiently to help us end the jabbing !
The jab of course, I know, but if we don't put an end to it, that'll be the end of us.
The mind reels with the knowledge of the severity of both and the devious brilliance of the perpetrators ability to have devised and executed such a plan, both physical and mental.
Thanks for this article. I was having a hard time trying to come up with a logical reason the jab harmed who knew they were harmed and those who have direct knowledge of jab deaths were not tearing the governments doors down. I, briefly thought perhaps this was the reason, but put the thought aside because it did not seem possible to know that if you knew killed yourself and maybe others by convincing them then say nothing to warn others. This makes more sense now.
Thanks Dennis. Elsewhere you mentioned "denial," and I think you're right. The "stages of grief" paradigm may be reductive, but it's still helpful. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, hope. Right now, we're looking at a lot of people in denial of what they've done and/or had done to them. If the model is correct, at some point the anger will kick in, and then you'll see the door-tearing you expected earlier.
I failed your Turing Test again on this article Lex, but this time from the perspective of my Progressive Friends reading the bold print. They agree with everything you said and that conservatives are the Fascist trying to control a false narrative. I’m with you Brother, and I fear a dark existence for awhile until it becomes so painful they have to start acknowledging some factual truths that are now left widely unreported. You haven’t lost me as a reader.
Thanks Lex, “ From here on, we need to understand that the Lost are not lost because they don’t know where to go, they’re lost because it’s too painful for them to find their way.”
I have also been concerned about the possible suppression of critical thought due to painful feelings of regret, guilt, anxiety, if the truth is confronted. Having a vaccine injury or being forced by a mandate can make awareness more likely. We will need to assume that there are sufficient numbers of aware individuals to oppose malevolent agendas and take action. Those who know at an unconscious level may not be active supporters but could be fence sitters and inactive. Admissions of regret by some may help others acknowledge their painful feelings. More public statements of understanding could help “ We understand how painful it is for people to become aware that they may have harmed their bodies by accepting the injection. “ It is also possible that there is an aspect of lottery - not all vials are the same. “Perhaps you were lucky and received a less toxic dose. “ The fact that the uptake of boosters is lessening, is a sign that awareness is growing.
"Having a vaccine injury or being forced by a mandate can make awareness more likely."
My BIL is jab injured. I don't think he's going to take any more jabs, but will NOT talk about it. At all. His wife acknowledges he is jab injured, but will keep taking boosters if her doctor recommends them. Both are over 70; she has a masters degree. I have little hope they will come around.
Thank you for the insight, Dr. Prager, and Shibumi for sharing the personal experience. This is a critical conversation to start having. The examples of potential messaging (acknowledgement of pain, giving hope through lottery analogy) are intriguing.
I summarized my extensive research into the campaign to overcome vax hesitancy here:
A LOT of work went into modifying public behavior, and different campaigns were extensively tested. Ultimately, the "stay home/take the jab or you'll kill grandma" idea wound up being the most successful at achieving compliance, since it capitalized on altruism and exploited guilt. Probably something associated with protecting children would be effective in reverse, but we need some kind of solution. We can't just say "you may have sterilized or otherwise permanently harmed your kids," we need to be able to suggest some course of action to reverse or mitigate the damage.
To the best of my knowledge, we do not yet have consensus from Team Reality physicians on how to address the mRNA jab harm, nor if it's even possible to fully repair it.
So very well said, and so very sad. Thank you for saying it.
I mean... We all kind of knew it, but I don't think we knew how bad it was.
Prominently said, Lex. "The bodies of the vaxxed have been poisoned, but so have their minds. The jabs didn’t just ensure that people will die. It ensured they would die without listening. " I see that they can only reject (or ignore) the truth for so long before death is staring them right in the face.
> they’re lost because it’s too painful for them to find their way.
Brilliant analysis. The jabbed have been initiated into a club whose membership cannot be revoked. Visiting "Jabs Bad Island" requires climbing a mountain of cognitive dissonance.
Knowing this, where we do we go from here?
I think it's going to be very hard to reach people with a fatalistic message like "you need to admit you sterilized your kids." They've been backed into a corner, and that means they are likely to lash out. We have to be able to provide some kind of hope or at least a way forward. I know that our Team Reality scientists are testing different methods of mitigating the mRNA harm. Being able to make helpful suggestions to those who are vax injured would be ideal.
I suggest this to people:
It's not the cheapest solution, but it might help. Plus... it's easy to do.
Agreed, "Sorry you'll never be a grandparent" is harsh. I'm somehow able to consider speaking out to strangers. But family and friends, who've already been jabbed? It feels impossible. I guess it's time to be supportive in a palliative role now.
Just had a similar interchange with Terre here in these comments. It's easier to have compassion for people we don't know than for the ones whose blind fear and mindless obedience actually hurt us.
Finding compassion. It may be our greatest challenge.
And I also need to forgive myself for not saving more people. My outspokenness and influence was blighted by the Machine and my own timidity.
I feel the same way.
Thank you for this comment. Like you, I've been beating myself up for not saying something. I can't forget the elderly woman, the college student, or the 2 masked mothers sitting with their young, masked children waiting for their poison shots at the supermarket.
How does one approach strangers in this situation? How do you even begin to engage someone who's concept of reality is so completely different from your own?
I've tried to explain reality to people I've known for years, and struggled.
"The jabbed have been initiated into a club whose membership cannot be revoked."
Do we know this for sure? Are we 110% certain there isn't a cure for the mRNA spike proteins?
I think there are things you can do to mitigate their effects, and there actually might be a cure for them. But... it seems to me that Our Betters want us D E A D, so they're not interested in finding a cure.
Well ya know what? I have increasingly less pity and compassion for the non-thinking “Lost”. Maybe you’re right that it’s too painful for them to find their way back but what about the pain endured on a daily basis by the rest of us that employed countless hours to use our rational minds to resist all this bs?
I’m in pain daily because we were denied a proper funeral for a very important loved one in our family.
I’m angry over the opportunity cost of 3 lost years that i had to dedicate to constantly reinventing my small business in order to simply survive. Three lost years of no travel, lost ‘friendships’, being marginalized by my own country, and having to make a side gig out of wading thru news so i could discern what was true and know how to protect my family.
And i’m so saddened and angry by the state of the world and the nonsense they they are still trying to push on us.
So screw the Lost ones that made poor choices! I think they need to feel even more pain for them ever to have a chance to wake up. We need to be done making excuses for them.
You have every right to feel angry. It's easier for me to have sympathy for the masses that I think of as "lost" than for the actual people I know who let fear and blind obedience override their humanity - the ones who self-righteously defended discrimination and coercion while rejecting basic decency and reason.
As far as I know, every religion and wisdom tradition demands repentance as a prerequisite for forgiveness. With the notable exceptions of Tim Robbins and a Canadian parliamentarian, I haven't heard any public figures actually say "I'm sorry." That makes it very difficult to to move on.
With that said, the Dalai Lama advised that "compassion is the antidote to anger." Only recently have I started to feel like I'm ready to try that, and to start mending bridges. You decide what's right for you, in your own time.
Thank you for those words. They are very comforting in this crazy time we are living in. You’re right on all accounts. I’m very empathetic and right now i just feel the hurt of the world. Hopefully in time i’ll be able to come around whether or not those responsible acknowledge their wrongdoing.
I understand where you're at TerrreP. My industry was destroyed by C0VID, and after struggling for three years working freelance, I had to stop working with my last longtime client because they tried to cheat me out of money. I've been job hunting for .almost three years now, and it turns out I'm too old to do anything but work at Walmart or Amazon. Plus... I'm in a new state and the isolation has made it hard to make friends. So yeah, I understand your anger. I've had it too.
But... we need most of those people who are lost. They are our dentists, our furnace repair people, the nuclear technicians at the power plant and so on. And they did what they did out of fear. Were they stupid? IMHO, yes. Does that mean they should suffer and die prematurely? I don't think so. For me, the solution it to try to point those who might listen in the right direction-- no more injections, and vitamins to do vaxx damage repair. As for the rest, there is nothing I can do. Nothing.
Hi shibumi,
You're right also, we do need those people because ultimately the war is not with them. And yes, some are just stupid (lol). Some will never understand the big picture and may always suffer from Stockholm syndrome as they defend the narrative --even to their own detriment -- that their subjugators drummed into their heads. Like I said to Lex, I'm hopeful to eventually come around and again be a strong, positive force.
As for your situation, maybe it's time for a little reinvention. You are never too old! That's only a state of mind. What have you always been passionate about trying or doing? Maybe now is the time. And perhaps if you just follow those leads and start taking small daily actions, you'll find new like-minded friends to hang with. Best wishes :)
I have thought this exact thing about the lost for awhile now. I often wondered why even those close to me (i.e. siblings, grandparents, in-laws) refused to listen to hard facts and data. I soon realized it is because they’ve already done it -- succumbed to the deathvax. They are interiorly terrified and are in an intense self-preservation mode. They simply cannot admit to themselves that they have willingly injured themselves AND that they may die suddenly at some point.
Exactly. And it's even harder to acknowledge that you may have permanently or fatally harmed your children.
I cannot even imagine what that would be like.
You would have to pretend it isn't true, or at a minimum that it isn't that bad. I certainly hope that the vast majority of people will be okay, but the uncertainty makes it very hard to communicate any kind of meaningful message.
You’re exactly right, for to admit the horrible truth might mean you’d die -- if not physically, in every other way.
I've tried to talk to a small number of the jabbed about what's happening. It goes like this:
ME: "You know there are some people that have had health problems after their C0VID shots"
JABBED: "Yes, I've heard that."
ME: "If you're concerned about your health, there are vitamins you can take that might help."
JABBED: [emphatically] "Oh, I don't need anything. I'm fine. I'M FINE."
That being said, I have sent three people--two friends and one random person-- to Dr. Zelenkos Zstack site for his vaxx repair vitamins. The one thing I have found is that the people who are vaxxed that are open to listening were either forced to take it, or were never really fully vested on Team Vaxx. FWIW, the three people I've (hopefully) been able to help were all conservative. The most passionate Team Vaxx tend to be liberals over 70.
I haven’t tried talking about vitamins yet. I guess I should. My first tactic has always been getting them to acknowledge the data about what these things are causing. Then I would talk about remedy. So far, no one I’ve talked to about the deaths and injuries are willing to admit they are NOT “very rare.”
The whole "not very rare" thing might be too much for them to psychologically handle right now. That's why I do the very bland "some people have had issues" talk. I've also said that "it's had an impact on the immune system of some people."
To be honest, it's all hit and miss. Generally, conservatives are more likely to be open to the message than liberals, and younger people are more open than those that are older.
These people are brainwashed. As in "I'm in a death cult" brainwashed. They didn't particularly ask for it; their general behaviors made them vulnerable to it. I do feel sorry for many of them.
Spot on.
I see two main problems, neither of which is easily fixed:
1. People generally are locked into which voices and media channels they listen to and believe. When a voice outside their preferences says something that might change their minds, it's not that they won't listen; it's that they don't even hear it. My wife was sending her son articles on the vaccine (and other Covid topics) that contradicted what he had read. His reaction was: "Mom, I can't even find these articles online." In other words, he dismissed their veracity because his Google search blocked him from seeing them.
2. People have become so lazy that they don't want to do the work to inform themselves -- even when it comes to their own health.
I'm at the point where I don't even want to engage with "the believers." If they are too lazy to help themselves and will just mock me for trying to help them, I'll just take care of myself and leave them alone.
Great points Cynicon Implant.
I tried to talk to my SIL early on about the FLCC protocols. She quickly looked them up on google and said they were right wing nut jobs.
As for intellectually lazy... yep. In late 2020, before the jabs, the FDA had up a page of potential side effects from the mRNA jabs. It has since been disappeared, but was also in a slide presentation. That was enough for me to say no.
That being said... it was not hard to do that simple search. But people would not do it.
Might be able to find the disappeared pages from the FDA on the Wayback machine.
So...wait...was your wife sending her son printed articles or links? If links, was it that the links themselves didn’t work when he tried them? Or was it that when he typed in the source link from the printed article, it wouldn’t come up?
I would have to ask her again, but I think he was trying to find out about the source of an article (the author, publishing site, etc.) to investigate the trustworthiness of the source. When he did a search using his search engine he said he couldn't find it.
This is very typical for many people (particularly millennials). They tend not to read anything that is from an "unapproved" source because it has been classified as misinformation by someone else, instead of reading it and deciding for themselves. They believe fact checkers are unbiased -- "that has been debunked by fact checkers" is something they say a lot.
Yes...we have millennials and the younger Gen-Z in our brood. I’m all too familiar with the way they think. The younger ones, though almost grown, tend to at least give things like this coming from us some thought.
This does explain the weird awkward silence around the vax that I notice nearly everyday in my work and social circles. No one is advocating for the vax anymore but also not acknowledging the harms. Just staying silent and hoping it all just fades away into memory.
It's like a dysfunctional family where everyone knows that dad abused them, but the whole family pretends it didn't happen so they don't have to acknowledge how it's affected them.
I read it and agree with the doctor. I didn't share it, however. Reason 1: translations from Japanese are suspect to anyone who doesn't want to hear the message in the first place. Reason 2: I don't know anyone who isn't already convinced of what he said who will listen even if they trusted the translation.
Excellent summation !
You wrote exactly what we are all witnessing.
I don't know which to be more frightened of...the jab or the fact that the jabbed cannot face the music sufficiently to help us end the jabbing !
The jab of course, I know, but if we don't put an end to it, that'll be the end of us.
The mind reels with the knowledge of the severity of both and the devious brilliance of the perpetrators ability to have devised and executed such a plan, both physical and mental.
Thanks for this article. I was having a hard time trying to come up with a logical reason the jab harmed who knew they were harmed and those who have direct knowledge of jab deaths were not tearing the governments doors down. I, briefly thought perhaps this was the reason, but put the thought aside because it did not seem possible to know that if you knew killed yourself and maybe others by convincing them then say nothing to warn others. This makes more sense now.
Thanks Dennis. Elsewhere you mentioned "denial," and I think you're right. The "stages of grief" paradigm may be reductive, but it's still helpful. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, hope. Right now, we're looking at a lot of people in denial of what they've done and/or had done to them. If the model is correct, at some point the anger will kick in, and then you'll see the door-tearing you expected earlier.
I failed your Turing Test again on this article Lex, but this time from the perspective of my Progressive Friends reading the bold print. They agree with everything you said and that conservatives are the Fascist trying to control a false narrative. I’m with you Brother, and I fear a dark existence for awhile until it becomes so painful they have to start acknowledging some factual truths that are now left widely unreported. You haven’t lost me as a reader.
Cross post from unexceptable Jessica, hope you don't mind.
Here is a victim explaining his injuries from the vax. He mentions De-Realization as a symptom. I have never heard of that before sounds scary.