This is terribly important, consider adding the "transgender movement" into this.

Parents who encourage and enable their children to "transition" are seeking attention and social status by medically maiming them, they are the very definition of Munchausen by Proxy.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

Oh my God. I have just been smote with a Gestalt pie in the face! So true. I had never thought of it quite that way, though I had come to realize the perverse incentives for ever more testing and "health care". Thank you!

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Liked by Lex Weiser

For a detailed history of how the modern "health care" system was captured and subverted, see the book "Murder by Injection" (1988) by Eustace Mullins: https://archive.org/details/murder-by-injection-by-eustace-mullins_202112/mode/2up

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Thanks Lex, that was terrific!

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