A Tidal Wave of Death and Disability Is Hitting Millennials
And only Ed Dowd is talking about it
An unprecedented increase in excess deaths and serious illness among working-age people will “unleash Hell on Earth,” says former BlackRock fund manager Ed Dowd.
In an interview with Greg Hunter about his new book, “Cause Unknown,” Dowd rattled off a terrifying litany of statistics gleaned from the CDC's own data. The Millennial-age cohort “has experienced a Vietnam war,” he says, comparing the 58,000 American servicemen who lost their lives during the Vietnam era to the 61,000 American workers who died between March, 2021 and February, 2022.
Unlike 2020, when every news outlet maintained a continually-updating ticker of infections and deaths associated with COVID, the mainstream media is completely silent about the statistically unimaginable, skyrocketing cases of death and disability currently occurring.
Disability, according to Dowd, is the real black swan. When people in their late 20s through early 40s are forced to leave the workforce for health reasons, it not only stresses the insurance industry (which Dowd predicts will experience bankruptcies), it mortally wounds the supply chain that makes and delivers the things we need and use. “There simply won't be enough workers to keep it going,” Dowd explains.
While Dowd's book is titled “Cause Unknown,” he is open about his thesis that the COVID shots are the reason for this onslaught of untimely misery. On his website, Dowd uses the term “democide” (death by government), asserting that government-backed vaccine mandates coerced Millennials into accepting a fraudulent medical intervention that wound up harming or killing them.
Predictably, Dowd has been ignored by the press, and banned from social media. Fortunately, his financial independence and track record as a fraud-spotter at Blackrock give him the freedom and credibility to speak his mind.
A variety of charts and data summaries are available on Dowd's website, as is a pre-order link for his new book.
Meet one of my alts: advocate of devil
61k millennials dying is not going to bankrupt insurance because most young people don't have insurance yet.
And it is certainly not going to cause supply chain issues. Most people employed to completely useless work anyway (we should all be having a four hour workweek, if it weren't for Bullshit Jobs (Graeber)). Our economy cannot _really_ suffer from labor shortage.
cool, blackrock is on our side now cool cool cool cool cool